honestly, take the management position, like said before...management looks good on a resume. build up your portfolio. i'm sure there's a copying or printing place in your city thats locally owned. try and get a job there first and build up more of your portfolio. the apple job is something that takes years and a huge resume of work and client referrals. a company that is that big won't risk anything on someone who doesn't have an extensive portfolio with great client relations. you could be the best designer in the world, but only have worked with 1 client and in 1 situation and they wouldn't hire you cause they don't know how you would react in different situations and how long you could put up with the stress it takes to do something like that.
and think about a job at a corporation like that. how often do you see a companies look change? yeah...you will have constant work, but everything is following the same look that was set before you cause you're working to uphold their image, so it might be different information, but it will all flow, look and be laid out the same way. is that what you want?
i just started working at a local print shop about a month ago and i really like it. it something different everyday, and its just the right amount of stress and excitement to keep me entertained. you should do work for local artists so that your name gets out more and is circulating your city. it'll help out a lot. good luck to ya man!