If you only trust God then how can scripture so important and central to your beliefs? It cannot be denied that the original writings were made by men, based on stories told by men.
Not only did man write the Bible, but that which was written is often a case of the writer trusting the testimony he was scribing. Therefore you are not only trusting the person writing the Bible scriptures but the man that was trusted when he gave his story regarding God or angels speaking, or things that Jesus did or said.
I am not saying that the trust we have for a fellow man is equal to that of God. I do agree that God is the only one we can fully 100% place all of our trust in. But at the same time, we have no choice but to trust the men who have preserved and made available knowledge of God to us in the form of scripture and wisdom to accompany it.
Whenever we reference and lexicons or ancient text or transliterations, we are still going on trust that those who composed the lexicons or transliterations or actual scripture themselves, are correct. On top of that, one must find the "meaning" of all the words. Otherwise what is the point?
So who do you trust when people tell you the "meaning" of something? You must trust a man for that, even if you end up only trusting yourself. Trusting in one's self that one holds the correct "meaning" of God and scripture is not a case of "only" trusting in God. Trusting in God necessarily demands a trust in man, and the nature of that trust is that the man must *realize* that he himself is not trustworthy, but that God is perfectly worthy, the ONLY one worthy of all his trust.
So I definitely agree that God is the only one worthy of our trust, but we must trust ourselves and the men who have provided us with scripture in order to do even that.