Whatever Cold! This was a thread about CD, etc. buying. No one cares to hear your latest cliche. Just don't post if U dont dig on the topic. Thanks:angry:
I used to buy a shitload of CD's besides my Usual Weed Purchases. But latley I haven't been buying too many CD's cuz
I've been Expanding my Personal Studio Setup.
I hear ya on that bro. I spend hella bank on dvds all the time. I just recently picked up "Behind Enemy Lines." Gotta say that's one of my favorites out of my whole collection.
i've spent close to $200 in the last two weeks on fuckin cd's...it sucks, cause now i barely got enough to pay rent next week..but fuck it cause i love havin new cd's in the rotation
those are the only thing i splurge on. like strech im quick to go into debt and put it on the card especially off the internet. the behind enemy lines was a cool movie too
I haven't brought a cd for nearly two years then i started collectin dvds although i've stopped now cuz my new tv only plays the region 2 dvds, but most of mine are region 1.
CD's... DVD's... Games... that's bullshit! Have you ever sucked dick for a CD, DVD, or a game? (No...)
Anyway, I'm addicted to buying CD's and it's time to admit it and end my little craze.