How many of u artist out there actually sent out a demo and got called back whether it was some positive or negative feedback? and how long did it take for them to call u back?
I did in the 90's though...sending demos blind is a thing of the past...get a myspace page holla at a&rs and release yourself independent is how its done now...who u know still gos along way too. Jive hit me up.
I sent out a few, only person that called me back was dj pimp, and he called me like a month after i sent him a promo pack, and it was positive feedback
and studsucram is right, demo;s are a thing of the past. but hey its worth a shot.
c.ds period are becoming a thing of the past ...I remember 8 track tapes..then the new improved casette..I used to haVE a walkman on the hip all the time...then when c.ds came out it sounded to clean..its only gotten worse....but not to many c.d walkmans are being its mp3 players and ipods on the hip...see the trend...oh yeah when an artist debuts at #1 on the billboard and only sound scans around 100,000....well I hope you see the light...oh yeah fuck you and your mixtape(directed at no one in particular)..if you aint willing to invest in recording a project worthy of buying why should I spend my money on it....oh yeah ..have a nice day..
I still use a CD walkman, like when I am traveling on an airplane. I must be the biggest loser since I don't have an IPod. But I'm always going to be buying CDs. I support artists and their work.
MR ROC n RON whats up? I dont post as much since I moved and have dial up..I need to quit being lazy and get that high far as music..I gave walking papers to one artist..even though I had 11 songs already recorded...Still waiting for Bossman hogg to take some photos so i can get the artwork done..we finished recording about 2 years ago..I got a graphic designer waiting for the photos..albums gonna be presented by Gangsta granny...Young sau been the most hardest working ive dealt with,as long as he keeps it up he got a good chance of doing something big...Im waiting on Jay finish his project..cause we gonna do one with the beats I recorded that artist i gave the walking papers..with the few exceptions,majority of rappers dont have the drive to make it,have all the talent but need everything to fall in there lap