Man, my fuckin' boyfriends baby momma won't let him see his daughter either. Bitch is pullin' a power trip or something. I personally think its cuz she's jealous that their daughter would rather be around him than her cuz she's simply a bitch who doesn't know the first thing about parenting.
She refused to have my boyfreinds mom (Brielle's Grandma) pick her up yesterday after work because she said Brielle was misbehaving and she wants to get to the bottom of it and that she shouldn't have any privileges until she figures it out. First of all, Brielle is 3 years old, of cousre a 3 year old is going to misbehave once in a while. Kids will be kids. And since when is seeing your "Grandma" or "Father" considered a privilege?
It breaks my heart to see her do this to my boyfriend and his mom, especially since they've both been the greatest father/grandmother to that child since day 1. Instead of trying to work together to get to the bottom of things... this bitch is punishing everybody involved and for what? She's 3 fuckin' years old ya dumb bitch, let her be 3! She thinks my bf and his mom should "support" her in this decision which they obviously do not because like me, they don't think its right.
He only has joint legal custody, which bascially comes down to little to nothing and its fuckin' bullshit. Fathers need more rights to their children, especially when you got cooky fuckin' bitches like that as their babys momma. Its sad and I feel for all the fathers out there that get fucked like that... its not fair.