why is fremont and san fransico even mentioned here? I lived in fremont for liek 6 months and it had to be one of the best places I ever seen in USA, green everwhere, new stores, nice public transportation, stupid white washed afgans, it seemed like......... a real nice place, and then I went to SF for the first time and it had all these faggy stores like FCUK and some other shitty girl stores and some men holding hands and then I looked some more on this forum and saw some JT bigg figga shit I think it was him making cds about how SF is ghetto
wtf SF is where all the computer companies and shit besides cupertino and SValley, i mean wtf, im on the eastcoast right now and its shit here and boring, everyone just wants to fuck up a nice place and brand it ghetto/hood, thats some queer shit , fuck yall for messing shit up
wtf SF is where all the computer companies and shit besides cupertino and SValley, i mean wtf, im on the eastcoast right now and its shit here and boring, everyone just wants to fuck up a nice place and brand it ghetto/hood, thats some queer shit , fuck yall for messing shit up