We should not use vivisection, it is one of the stupidest things we do. The animals we test are too different from us, the human animal. We are animals, dont forget that.
Even in fucking middle school science you learn about controls and all that shit for running experiments. One slight difference in a control, and the experiment proves nothing.
I value non-human animals life more than I value human life.
No non-human animal fucks up this planet like we do. Or at all as far as my knowledge goes.
When you eat a fruit, do you go shit the seeds out into the wild so some new fruit trees will grow?
Probably not, if you do, props to you.
Let me put it this way:
David Mortari threw a puppy off of a cliff.
I would rather throw a human baby off of a cliff than any type of animal. ANY type of animal.
We do nothing for this planet, only ourselves as a species.
Go watch these.