A few excerpts...
"Most Muslims genuinely appear to love their God, Faith, and other Muslims, in a passionate, intimate way that is foreign to most, if not all, people in the West. This is not to say Westerners do not love their faith, God, and brethren; evangelical Christians have a fervor for God and His word similar to the Islamists', though they have yet to take up arms in his defense. Even they, however, do not live and love their religion with the ferocity and thoroughness of many Muslims, primarily because Christians-evangelical or otherwise-accept the American and European legal divide between Church and State."
"Nost Muslims believe seperating church and state is an apostasy. "You are the nation," bin Laden criticized Americans in a late 2002 letter, "rather than ruling by the law of Allah, chose to implement your own inferior rules and regulations, thus following your own vain whims and desires. You run a society contrary to the nature of mankind by seperating God from your politics." For Muslims, God's word-as He revealed it in the Koran-and the sayings and traditions of the Prophet (the Sunnah) are meant to guide all aspects of life: personal, familial, societal, political, and international."
"The idea that any group of persons, any kind of activities, any part of human life, is in any sense outside the scope of religious law and jurisdiction is alien to Muslim thought."
Basically, Islam to Muslims is much, much more than a "religion" in the American sense. It is an identity and a prism from which everything is viewed.