How come Japanese live so long?

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May 13, 2002
Anyone have any ideas?

Japan hits record on centenarians

Japan's ageing population has recorded another first - the number of centenarians has doubled in the last five years to more than 20,000.

A new government report also found that nearly one in five people is now over 65, a proportion that is set to rise to one in four by 2050.

The report underlined government worries about an over-burdened pension scheme as its population ages.

People are living longer thanks to improved diet and better medical care.

The report, issued by the Cabinet Office, said that at the end of September 2003, 20,561 Japanese were aged 100 or over, up from about 10,000 people in 1998.

Women accounted for 85% of the total.

Japan already has the world's highest life expectancy, at 78 years for men, and 85 for women.

The propensity to long life is not seen as wholly positive, however, as the country's birth rate is falling at the same time.

More retirees are set to draw their pensions, while fewer working-age people are paying into them.

According to some estimates, Japan will be home to roughly one person over 65 for every two working-age people by 2025.

Under pension reforms approved at the week end, the government is planning to curb benefits and increase premiums.
Apr 1, 2002
^no way. I was taught at an early age by my p.e. teachers that their diet mainly consists of rice, seafood and no fat. They don't have fast food restaurants like they have here (quantity wise).
Jul 10, 2002
I think the entire culture contributes to their extended life, huge emphasis on the family, diet, respect, hard work ethic...

As the cliche "baseball is life" goes, the Japanesse culture is very much reflected on the ball field. The style of play isn't hot shot fancy shmancy, yet focused on the basic fundamental aspects of the game (life)...
May 13, 2002
The answer is not that they eat more seafood- there are plenty of other countries that eat just as much seafood as the Japanese. The answer is in the coral reef.

These islands were built up from Sango coral reefs that are chemically very similar to the human skeleton. When rain falls on these islands, it percolates through these ancient coral deposits and picks up minerals and other elements that make it truly unique, not only does it contain many essential minerals, it is also very alkaline, with a pH between 7 and 8.5.

Over a decade ago, the health conscious Japanese government authorized the mining of this Sango coral sand. Sango coral is the only coral out of 2,500 species found to have these health benefits, and only occurs in abundance around Okinawa, Japan. Over four million Japanese consume coral calcium pills daily.​
Aug 4, 2002
Jomodo said:
I think the entire culture contributes to their extended life, huge emphasis on the family, diet, respect, hard work ethic...

As the cliche "baseball is life" goes, the Japanesse culture is very much reflected on the ball field. The style of play isn't hot shot fancy shmancy, yet focused on the basic fundamental aspects of the game (life)...
Not just Japanese, but most asians in general benefit from this^^^.