what the fuck kind of homework assignment is this??????
what, are you in 4th Grade or some shit?
What's your next project? A presentation on Whales and how they mate?
You need to holla at a library and a set of encylopedias. Not post this bullshit on this forum. Did you honestly think anyone here would hook you up with a fucking map of the united states.
Also, i found it funny that you called them the "50 usa states".
"50 United States of America states"....as opposed all the United States that are not really states?
That leads me to believe that you....
1. Are still in 4th grade like I thought
2. Just got off the boat/jumped the fence/swam across the Rio Grande. (see Jose Ramirez)
3. Were dropped on your head as a child.
there is a head start....good luck with middle school.