For those of you who don't keep up with tech there is a multi-million dollar startup in the Bay Area called Wearhaus Inc. These guys raised over $6.5 million to start their company and they're pushing the envelope when it comes to innovation. So what do they make? ARCS which are a type of wireless earphone but these aren't just any earphones. These are stylish wireless earphones that make syncing for social listening and to music library browsing a breeze.
Once I found out about the company it took us about two weeks to connect. They're busy, PROJECT MONARK is busy, this is what happens when you're carving out your own space but I'm glad we got it knocked out.
So check out the interview and make sure you check out the ARCS if you get a chance. Support companies pushing the envelope, doing away with cookie cutter shit and truly listening to fans when it comes to design, feedback, true customer experience and quality.
Project Monark’s Transmedia Journey : Wearhaus Blog
Once I found out about the company it took us about two weeks to connect. They're busy, PROJECT MONARK is busy, this is what happens when you're carving out your own space but I'm glad we got it knocked out.
So check out the interview and make sure you check out the ARCS if you get a chance. Support companies pushing the envelope, doing away with cookie cutter shit and truly listening to fans when it comes to design, feedback, true customer experience and quality.
Project Monark’s Transmedia Journey : Wearhaus Blog