Help Wanted: Human Guinea Pigs

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May 13, 2002
If you've ever wondered why we so rarely hear of drug trials going awry in the United States, it is because we "offshore" the drug trials to developing nations who can't afford to say no.

If you've ever wondered why we so rarely hear of drug trials going awry in the United States, Sonia Shah, author of The Body Hunters: Testing New Drugs on the World's Poorest Patients (The New Press, 2006), has the unattractive answer: we "offshore" the drug trials to developing nations and to those who simply can't afford to say "anywhere but here."

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Aug 6, 2006
Wow, this type of devaluing of humanity and turning them into lab rats simply due to economic status is sickening. There's no excuse for that, why be so selective about your test subjects? Like the interviewee said, people should be well informed about what they're getting into and properly consent after knowing all of the risk factors, I bet you can find dozens of test subjects here, people will do anything for a dollar here.. That makes no sense other than human life having more value in America than it does in the third world..
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
If you've ever wondered why we so rarely hear of drug trials going awry in the United States, it is because we "offshore" the drug trials to developing nations who can't afford to say no.

If you've ever wondered why we so rarely hear of drug trials going awry in the United States, Sonia Shah, author of The Body Hunters: Testing New Drugs on the World's Poorest Patients (The New Press, 2006), has the unattractive answer: we "offshore" the drug trials to developing nations and to those who simply can't afford to say "anywhere but here."

Full artucle HERE
Not true. I have participated in drug trials. One I did I spent a week eating well, playing video games and enjoying a work out room. The only shit I didn't like was the shots they gave me in my abdomen. Even with that, I enjoyed my time as if the shit was a vacation.