tricky tricky shit man, but what you have to do is set the jumper on the HD to master and connect it to the ribbon where a master drive should be connected, which i believe is the very end but you should find out somewhere just to make sure, then connect that to the primary IDE controller on your motherboard (assuming its an IDE drive and not SCSI)
then you take those 2 CDROM drives you have, connect them to another ribbon cable of where a master and slave should be connected (cdrom with the jumper set to master plugged into cable where a master should be connected and the other cdrom set to slave connected to the slave side of the cable) and plug those into the secondary IDE controller slot on the motherboard
now im not sure if that zip drive of yours is internal (installed inside the box) or external (where it sits outside your computer just connected by a cable) if its internal im guessing you should set that to slave and plug it into that cord that you have the HD connected to, and also if it is internal you're going to have to sacrifice that last 40 gig HD because all that shit cant fit in there i dont think.
Now whenever your computer just starts up after you turn it on there is like a 5 second window of time where you can press F5 (i think, it depends on different computer brands) which will bring you to the BIOS screen, hopefully your BIOS is already setup to auto detect what is connected the the primary and secondary IDE controller so you wont have to mess with shit, in this screen you can really fuck shit up so make sure you only change the ide settings to auto detect, and also there is a screen somewhere in there to change the boot order of your drives. The boot order is when your computer will like look at the floppy disk drive first to see if you have any system disks in there to boot off of, and if not then it boots off the harddrive, you would have to change the order to CDROM drive, disk drive, then harddrive since this is a new system and you want to boot off the winhoez 2000 cd to install it, since there is nothing currently on the harddrive. now after you change that shit around save and exit, hopefully after it reboots it will go to the windows 2000 disc read the shit and install it.
after typing all this shit i just realized that you probably want to keep all that shit you have on the 40 gig drive, i would suggest installing the the new HD as primary and connect it to the primary ide controller, install windows to the new HD, once your in windows turn your computer off and install the old HD as slave on that same ribbon, reboot and copy all that shit over from the old HD. then i would take that old HD out, and install each piece of hardware one at a time, its easier to troubleshoot the problem of whats wrong then installing all this shit at once. After reading all this im guessing your gonna say fuck it and take it to compusa, but you know this is a good way to learn about your computer, and when you actually get the shit to work it feels good, but only do it if you feel confident about messing around with shit in there.
if you have any questions just hit me up here or
[email protected]