Marsha of my fav vocalist...
Dre is one of the only hip hop artists/producers who is on some Michael Jackson s--t, meaning he can take 10 years off, completely disappear and people still will be interested in his album/projects..
I dont take him seriously as a rapper, but he does put together some good projects...its always a big event when he does something...Snoop brings attention to the coast as well but Dre seems to be able to bring more people together than Snoop can...IMO..
I dont know about the dedication song though...oh well...
lol @ waiting for eternity for Detox...its not that serious...
It just sucks that the West seems to have to rely on the same artists(Snoop, Dre,etc..) to get the major LOOKS like we have nothing else to offer but in reality there just arent the same opportunities as it was in the 90's...