^^^^S'like?????? never heard that. eNewayz, i really can't see how people don't feel his shit. i mean i can understand a scrap not wanting to listen to it, but i mean, i know people that love DMX cause he's "hard" and he's "real." i don't like his music but i feel what he's sayin and he's seems like a real one, straight from the bottom, but them same people don't like woodie cause he is talkin about killin? and he is in a gang. like killin someone gang related is too much different than just killin someone on a cd? i can't call it. i think it's the way he looks. if wood released all of his cd's with out his face on the cover, i don't think we would be dealin with this shit, but since he's white, people trip, and yet them same one's listen to eminem and DMX, that's why i hate the east coast.