Ummm...sorry to disappoint you, but...
First of all, a lot of the shit I send him is bought with money that he has sent to me. He does for me, I do for him. Simple as that.
Second, I'm far from being ugly. And my name doesn't even RHYME with Stacey.
Third, if you wanna talk about words comin straight from the mouth of the man, then find out about a song he wrote for me (meaning about me, dedicated to me) called 'Black Queen.'
Fourth, after that cd was sent to me, don't you think I asked if the song was about someone in particular (meaning me)? And the answer, straight from the mouth of the man was flat out, "NO."
And fifth, if there was so much Mac-a-frama-lama about it, why have I never been the one to pay for my plane ticket, hotel, rental car, and other expenses on my trips to see him?
@ Sporadic...yeah, that's what I thought fool. Cuzz I didn't wanna have to do a Tae-Bo demonstration on that ass!!!