this is becoming too common of an occurence for me which is obviously a problem... and I know the real answer is don't drink so much and you won't get one.... but once I have a few drinks stopping is not an option until I'm completely belligerent... just wondering if yall have any remedies for hangovers that u use.... i know i've heard menudo, lots of water, try to sleep.... but damn some of these recent hangovers I straight up feel like im'a die.. I quit smoking cigs but I still smoke when I drink so I go like 3 to 4 days no cigs then when I'm drinking I can go through a pack easily... It's a combination of massive amounts of alcohol and a million cigarettes got me trippin the next day... i guess it's just paying the price for doin what I do.... are those hangover pills called chasers or whatever bullshit or do they work........... anyway i guess as with all things time is the best healer but hit me up with some hangover stories and remedies.......... Peace