Guilty conscience

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May 13, 2002
Suicides of U.S. Troops Rising in Iraq - Pentagon

Jan 14, 2:53 PM (ET)

By Charles Aldinger
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - At least 21 U.S. troops have committed suicide in Iraq, a growing toll that represents one in seven of American "non-hostile" deaths since the war began last March, the Pentagon's top health official said on Wednesday.

"Fighting this kind of war is clearly going to be stressful for some people," Assistant Defense Secretary for Health Affairs Dr. William Winkenwerder told reporters in an interview.

"There have been about 21 confirmed suicides during the past year associated with Operation Iraqi Freedom," Winkenwerder said, adding that 18 were Army troops and three others were in the Navy and Marine Corps.

The suicide toll is probably higher than 21, he added, because some "pending" non-hostile deaths are being investigated.

A total of 496 U.S. troops have been killed since the war began last March, 343 of them in combat and 153 in non-hostile incidents ranging from accidents to suicide, the Pentagon said.

The 21 suicides represent nearly 14 percent of non-hostile deaths reported by the Pentagon, an increase over the proportion of 11 percent as of three months ago when the suicide number totaled 13.


Winkenwerder said the military was concerned over the suicides and was moving to deal with "battle stress" and other emotional problems triggered by armed conflict.

He did not provide any suicide rates for past U.S. conflicts but suggested that problems such as the domestic killings involving soldiers who returned to their base in North Carolina from Afghanistan in 2002 had prompted the Army to be more aware of stress.

Authorities say four soldiers at Fort Bragg killed their wives in June and July of 2002. Three of the cases involved Special Operations soldiers returning from Afghanistan. Two of the soldiers committed suicide and the other two were charged with murder. A fifth case involved a Special Forces major who was killed, with his wife charged with murder.

A November 2002 Army report concluded that the stress put on military families by frequent separations as the soldiers trained and fought may have contributed to the killings.

The military's responses to stress problems now include toll-free telephone numbers for troops to call for help as well as an increased number of military psychiatric specialists in Iraq to deal with problems before they become critical.

"Are those individuals who need (stress) support getting it? Are they being identified?," Winkenwerder asked. "We believe 'yes."'

"We don't see any trend there that tells us that there's more we might be doing," Winkenwerder said, noting that between 300 and 400 troops had been evacuated from Iraq for stress-related problems.

The U.S. military strength in Iraq currently stands at about 123,000.

Winkenwerder also said emergency military medical teams stationed in Iraq, combined with new body armor and other protective devices, had resulted in a sharply lower death rate among wounded soldiers compared to past wars.

In addition to the death toll, more than 2,400 troops have been wounded in Iraq since the war began.

"Clearly the body armor helps" in saving lives, Winkenwerder said, but added that emergency medical teams were a key factor in preventing death from blood loss in the "golden hour" after a soldier was wounded.
Dec 18, 2002
^^^you act like its easy to shoot yourself? that takes heart, and your not over there seeing/experiencing the shit they are, theres a song on paris' cd sonic jihad about bein recruited and he describes pretty well what its like to be in the military...your not in it and your probably too scared to go to iraq, so dont say shit about not havin heart unless you been there and back, got dicked around by the government and had to stay longer, paid shit, its hot as fuck....just dont talk about what you dont know about because you could easily be one of those guys that "dont have heart"
Jun 2, 2002
It takes heart shoot yourself...huh?...Its not like the draft is in effect, these people are signing up for this shit on their own free will...
Apr 25, 2002
Most recruiters don't tell you that you're gunna fight a war.

A job, an Education, food, clothes, shelter, money to go to college, sure you'll get it all.

War? Nah when's the last time we were in a war.
May 8, 2002
ColdBlooded said:
Most recruiters don't tell you that you're gunna fight a war.

A job, an Education, food, clothes, shelter, money to go to college, sure you'll get it all.

War? Nah when's the last time we were in a war.
it should be common sense...

since 1990 we have been to war against Iraq twice, Afganistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Somalia.
Jun 2, 2002
KrypticFlowz said:
it takes passion to kill yourself, passion is an emotion (heart) to do it
So what your really trying to say is that the everyday soldier doesn't have any any emotions, because if they did they would all be biting the bullet?
May 16, 2002
But atleast we got those WMDs so that their deaths were not in vain. God bless Bush for sending the troops out and killing 9000+ iraqi civilians, ten times as many iraqi soldiers and the american soldiers that were also killing themselves or the british soldiers.

Saddam Hussein, the one with all the chemical and biological weapons that was such an imminent threat that you couldn't wait a couple weeks for the UN to decide, is now captured and Osama Bin Laden, the guy that only made three planes crash into american buildings killing +3000 american civilians, is still hiding in some cave with his dialysis machine.

Great job Bush, let's hope we will see more of your brilliant patriotic acts and strategies in the next four years and perhaps make the rest of the world hate USA even more.

God bless FAUX NEWS for delivering fair and balanced news that inform americans of the truth instead of claiming that WMDs has been found every other day and convinving the viewers that lying to the world isn't a big deal.

May 8, 2002
KrypticFlowz said:
it takes passion to kill yourself, passion is an emotion (heart) to do it
i didnt know hearts could think and that they had emotion. :confused:

i always thought that emotions were in the BRAIN!!!!!!!!!

KrypticFlowz said:
it takes passion to kill yourself
funny how i always thought it took a coward to do that, or some1 with no brains!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 24, 2002
KrypticFlowz said:
^^^you act like its easy to shoot yourself? that takes heart, and your not over there seeing/experiencing the shit they are, theres a song on paris' cd sonic jihad about bein recruited and he describes pretty well what its like to be in the military...your not in it and your probably too scared to go to iraq, so dont say shit about not havin heart unless you been there and back, got dicked around by the government and had to stay longer, paid shit, its hot as fuck....just dont talk about what you dont know about because you could easily be one of those guys that "dont have heart"
Ok you're asking for it!

Shooting yourself for realizing you just took another man's life is a result of having a resentful heart.
Going to Iraq and taking someone's life without feeling guilt is the result of having a hard heart or lacking one for that matter.

And no I am not in the military, but not because of fear.
I do not fear death so why should I fear another man?
I am not in the military because I do not believe in war....

Now you take a big ass gulp of your own medacine and don't be so quick to shoot from the hip....