The Grind Family Signs to Warlock Records...
Once known as one of the most vibrant manufacturing centers in America, Northwest Indiana is now a hub for violence and a national leader in crime and unemployment. This heartland struggle has once again given birth to a movement that promises to change the history of entertainment just as Gary, Indiana natives, the Jacksons, revolutionized the industry in the 70s and 80s. The struggle or day to day grind has since given birth to the midwest's premier rap group, The Grind Family.
Gary-based hip-hop trio, The Grind Family also known as the Midwest Underground Kings, joined forces with Big Apple-based Warlock Records, one of the many labels under the Sony BMG flag.
"We're always working," C.O.B. said. "I've traveled to California, Atlanta, New York, all over the country over the last 2 1/2 years trying to make this happen. You have to go out there and get it, and that's what I did." The press has long since embraced the group. Over the past three years, the trio has been prominently featured in hip-hop and urban publications such as Murder Dog, XXL, Vibe and Source magazines. Grind Family videos have been aired on numerous video shows, including BET's "Next".
C.O.B. said talks between the Grind and Warlock began about two months ago and were facilitated by South Carolina Business Associate, Malik Shaheed, who has championed the trio for more than a year. The group plans to be the first to place their mark on the world since Gary natives, the Jackson Five, revolutionized the industry in the 70s and 80s. "Where we come from, there hasn't been anyone to come out and look for us," says label CEO, Mr. C.O.B.
Kyle Christmas, Vice President of Artists and Repertoire at Warlock, recognizes that this is the beginning of a movement. Warlock anticipates great things from the trio and the forthcoming album. "It's the return of street music. It's hip-hop at its best", he said.
The Grind Family's much anticipated fourth full-length project, entitled Block Music, will hit the streets in 2007.