Personally..... I think the shit sucks. And I'm a dip-set fan m'damn self. Too much British people on the tight beats, not enough Juelz and Jones. I mean, wasn't crunk music on "On My Way To Church" and several other mixtapes. D-I 1 was extra hard, with expensive production and tight samples. The samples on this album were collectively weak IMO. JR Writer is a ghost Cam'Ron with a higher pitched vioce and a petophile face. Juelz claiming his greatness, but is slowly but surely lacking ever since "From Me To You." Nigga's funny lyrically tho. And I listen to Jim Jones just to laugh, I mean seriously. Dude's rhymes is lyrically above a lot of niggas in the rap game but... listen to him. He talk funny.
I give DI2 a 6/10. But that Purple Haze is fire. I heard most of it this morning. KILLA!!!!!!!!!