Ghostly said:
Just because u believe in something does it mean it's true?
Yes and no.
Some kids believe in Santa.
I used to see "things" when I was a kid.
But they were only projections from my mind of what I wanted to see. The mind is very powerful.
When I was a kid, I would think of anything, and it would appear right in front of me.
It was very real to me....
But now I know it wasn't there after all.
I mean who in the fuck is gonna believe a kid who just saw a giant Ultraman flying around over his house?
Because of this, I know how to tell the difference between hallucinations and reality.
So like Heresy said, you might believe in something but it doesn't necessarily mean it's real.
Pathological liers suffer from their own lies.
They lie so fucking much they get to a point that they can't destinguish reality from fiction.
"Did I really fuck that girl back in highchool, or did I just make that story up?".
Shit like that goes through the mind of a pathological lier.
These cats get caught up in their own lies and start believing them.
Hmmmmm.... Now when I think of this, I guess I found the answer to your question after all. Kinda like a change of mind.....
The answer is a solid no....
Reality is not based on belief, it's based on actual experience....