Aaron D. Rodman.... Has a good ring to it...
Yeah, Tech is either a person that "YOU LIKE" or "DONT LIKE"....
You either "Listen to him, or you dont!!!!" Simple as that.... When people dont like him, I tell em..... And....... All people do is hate on him, but I always have a come back for whoever and it usually hurts their feelings because I tell them -Meep, meep- get on that short yellow bus... Aint no elementary here, but I just get tired of explaining to these "idiots" if they dont like him, then fuck em' cause when it's show time, they all want me to give em' tickets or some gear, so that means one day, they'll be hooked...
And admist of all the hating, when I had Tech perform here this week, last year... He tore it up more than anyother artist and brought the most diverse crowd the schools ever seen before. 3/6 Mafia was here too, which come to find out, they should've opened for him, cause they were garrrrrbaaggggeeee.... And after that show, more than half of those haters couldn't do shit but give him his props, so really all Tech is doing is proving to people that he has more than what it takes to rock a muthafcuking crowd and that he aint no joke... Simple as that...