Jesus, I jsut saw the video on dateline or something, it happened in Illinois i think. but the senior girls played the junior girls in flag football in a secluded park, and then after the game, they hazed the shit out of the juniors. 5 of them had to go to the hopital, one irl had like 15 stitches in her head, one had a broken ankle, one had a earring ripped out of her ear and a broken tailbone, and various other shit. They were throwing buckets of fish guts, blood, raw meat, and human fucking shit on them. then they started hitting em and kicking em. it was crazy. they were hitting them with buckets, and shit. Girls were getting rowdy, much of dudes were filming it, and routing them on. The seniors were getting pissed and would start socking the juniors and kicking them while they were down. it was fucking brutal. I need to see the footage again. anyone lse see it?