We got some package deals to advertise in STASH Magazine and stashonline.com
Hit us up at (415) 283-8591
or email [email protected]
Our next issue is being exclusively distributed in Las Vegas at the Magic/Pool/Project conventions where all the celebrities, fans, clothing companies, record label people, athletes will all be at. Put your products and music in their faces! And of course we're also being distributed nationwide - JAPAN too!
Advertise with Stash Magazine
Hit us up at (415) 283-8591
or email [email protected]
Our next issue is being exclusively distributed in Las Vegas at the Magic/Pool/Project conventions where all the celebrities, fans, clothing companies, record label people, athletes will all be at. Put your products and music in their faces! And of course we're also being distributed nationwide - JAPAN too!
Advertise with Stash Magazine