Gay Marriage?

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Oct 12, 2003
Since election time is coming up, and Bush wants to ammend the constitution to ban gay marriage, I want to know your opinions on this. Are you for or against it, and why? Do you feel it is immoral for the same sex to come together in marriage? Do you not really give a fuck about it? I personnaly dont support gays, but I dont think its right for someone to change the constitution for their own personnal agendas.

But anyways, what is your viewpoint on the issue.
Dec 25, 2003
I know people with some fucked off ass straight parents.

The only thing about gay people, specifically gay men, which gets to me, is their amount of sexual activity. Livin in Frisco you see uninhibited gay male sex at its worst. Believe me these are some nasty ass mothafuckas, and according to them the same shit goes down everywhere else, it's just on the DL. STD rates among gay men are + or - the 40 percent range, larger than any other demographic.

Do I think having kids will chill this out? Probably not. Just as women tend to be beings of emotion, men tend to be more about physicality, and many, many, many gay men are into anonymous sex, group sex, gravy train, fuckin choo choo train, "blackout" (lights off) sex parties, etc.

This is the only thing that irks me. Otherwise, yea I support gay marriage,

Examine gay people as civic examples. They're politically active, they aren't often convicted of crimes, they pay their taxes, donate to civic and social institutions, often are intelligent, high median income, more likely to be in a management position, etc. Alot of people could learn alot from the gay community.

That said gay men are very promiscuous and sometimes outright disgusting. I'm not saying this because I'm homophobic, or think there is something inherently *wrong* about gay relations. If a group of Heteros did the things that gay men do, I would say the exact same thing.

The sexual activity and STD rate among gay men is the only blemish on the case for gay marriage/parenting, in my opinion. But generally, I do support it.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
personally, i think homosexuality is gross, but as long as I am not subjected to it, I really don't care. I have no place in this world to tell anyone how to live their life or who to be with, neither does anyone else. Along the lines of marriage....Marriage is a religous thing as far as I know, and in my opinion a "gay christian" is kind of an oxy moron (i think that's it)....But for a couple to unite whether gay or straight should be fine....a "union of love" shouldn't be stopped, no matter how sick or twisted anyone thinks it is, unless its incest. That shit is just sick...

The main thing I don't get, is why do others feel that they have some kind of authority over another individual's personal life or beliefs? If it doesn't hurt you, then why give a fuck? Just like I disagree with people who believe in god, that doesn't mean that they can't do it, I don't care if they believe in that because that's them. People are supposed to be who they are, within reason. Holding that back only causes way more fucked up issues in the end.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Marriage has only lost its deceny in those who have no deceny. You don't fuckin get married unless you are dedicated and completely prepared for what will follow. People don't realize that shit and take it into consideration before they get married. You have to be completely committed to your partner (female or male) and work through every problem. If you love someone enough to tell them you will spend the rest of your life with them, you should also be willing to work out any problems that you have, no matter what they may be, that's called commitment. Our society doesn't value relationships because of celebs and shit and the whole "pimps and hoes" bullshit.

Growing up with divorced parents is a bitch, there's never enough and you usually don't get to see the parent you don't live with all that often. When I get married, there is no way I am going to ever ask for a divorce, unless I get cheated on or some fucked up shit. There are some things that are inexcusable and I can understand why people would divorce over that...But because you "can't deal with it" is not a good enough fucking reason. People are pathetic nowadays.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
i wrote one of my essays from my AP english test on this was supposed to be about controversy. i dont understand how one person, i.e., the president can stop someone from getting married. we dont stop people from getting married based on their religion, do we? and we dont stop them if their black, or brown, do we? no. so why is this any different? how can one person, or a group of people stop people from getting married, from being happy...i cant believe this is still an issue. Theres no reason, except for a matter of opinion, which there is no right or wrong with opinion, to keep people fromg etting married. Who is to say its okay and its not? personally, i think it should be local. let the people from Pig's Knuckle, Arkansas vote and say no to gay marriage. that'll reflect the life there. Let the People in SF vote, and it'll be a different story.
Oct 12, 2003
Sixxness said:
personally, i think homosexuality is gross, but as long as I am not subjected to it, I really don't care. I have no place in this world to tell anyone how to live their life or who to be with, neither does anyone else.
Yea thats a good point. No one is really in a position to judge anyone else. to me I really dont care for the whole Marriage thing, if they choose to be that way might as well let em do it. But i really dont see how it is natural for one to prefer their own sex. But to each their own i suppose


Sicc OG
Mar 12, 2004
559_Soldado said:
but I dont think its right for someone to change the constitution for their own personnal agendas.

But anyways, what is your viewpoint on the issue.
i dont think people should change the definition of marriage for their own personal agendas.

marriage has been defined for as long as it has existed as the union between 1 man and 1 woman
May 29, 2002
I agree that marriage isnt what it used to be and that needs to be fixed. allowing gay marriage will only increase this problem. other places that have allowed gay marriages have seen a ridiculous increase in divorce. I am not going to be a person to tell gay people they cant be gay. but as for marriage, it is exactly what Hatch said--a union between a man and a woman. AMEND that shit!!

(I cant believe I just agreed with a bum fan)
Apr 25, 2002
I dont see what the big deal is. let em get married. ít aint your life they're talkin about. people are always tryin to get into other people's business. or , as sixxness put it: "The main thing I don't get, is why do others feel that they have some kind of authority over another individual's personal life or beliefs? If it doesn't hurt you, then why give a fuck?"
Hatch, your theory that the "definition" of marriage (which I dont think exists in the first place) has not changed ever doesnt make sense. what definition are you talking about? first of all, there are several forms of marriage other than one-man-one-woman that are culturally acceptable in other places. secondly, marriage means something different to every person. we dont need a trite definition like "union between one man and one woman." maybe that's what the government says marriage is, but the government has been misguided before. that definition was obviously constructed with the intent of exluding individuals who wish to marry within their gender, just as Jim Crow laws were written with the intent to racially discriminate against African Americans. it's just another example of discrimination that has been reinforced by the government and embraced by common yokels. why should some rich, unintelligent, uncultured crackhead from Texas have the right to dictate morals to the rest of the nation?
basically, the issue of gay marriage doesnt affect me, nor does it affect any of you, so none of us really have the right to pass judgment on it or on the people who it actually does effect.
Jun 23, 2002
gays are getting too many rights nowadays, its ridiculous. if you dont put a stop to it now its just gonna get more out of hand, it seems like being gay is like a fad nowadays. on TV they have the whole queer eye show, vh1 specials on things that are gay, i mean c'mon, being gay is becoming a bit too accepted nowadays for my taste. gay people aren't normal, sorry. just my opinion


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Amend that shit? You do realize that RELIGION and the GOV'T are NEVER supposed to coinside right? As far as I know, marriage is a religious thing....

"any intimate association or union" is also part of that definition that you didn't type all of. Once again, people leave shit out. If you don't want gay's to marry, go to another fucking country where they don't have fags. Do you want someone telling you that you can't marry a female because they disagree with that? People need to stop being hypocrites and stop living with double standards.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
mattjoke said:
gays are getting too many rights nowadays, its ridiculous. if you dont put a stop to it now its just gonna get more out of hand, it seems like being gay is like a fad nowadays. on TV they have the whole queer eye show, vh1 specials on things that are gay, i mean c'mon, being gay is becoming a bit too accepted nowadays for my taste. gay people aren't normal, sorry. just my opinion

that has got to be one of the most ignorant things I have ever read on this message board. How about we take away some of your rights and see how you feel? This country is based supposed to be about FREEDOM and EQUALITY. If you can't understand the issue after that, you need to move to the city and quit livin in the middle of fuckin nowhere with Jim Bob and Billy. If you can't deal with gay people wanting to be gay and doin their thing, maybe you should just completely isolate yourself from society? Then you wouldn't have to deal with it...WAIT, that's right, I'm sure you DON'T DEAL WITH IT all that much anyway.....If you had a bad experience with a gay person or somethin, it's really stupid to think that ALL of them are like that. This thread could be switched around into a racial thing very quickly, and then people would realize that they need to shut the fuck up and treat everyone with respect and equality. some of you people are really fuckin ignorant.
Jun 23, 2002
Sixxness said:
that has got to be one of the most ignorant things I have ever read on this message board. How about we take away some of your rights and see how you feel? This country is based supposed to be about FREEDOM and EQUALITY. If you can't understand the issue after that, you need to move to the city and quit livin in the middle of fuckin nowhere with Jim Bob and Billy. If you can't deal with gay people wanting to be gay and doin their thing, maybe you should just completely isolate yourself from society? Then you wouldn't have to deal with it...WAIT, that's right, I'm sure you DON'T DEAL WITH IT all that much anyway.....If you had a bad experience with a gay person or somethin, it's really stupid to think that ALL of them are like that. This thread could be switched around into a racial thing very quickly, and then people would realize that they need to shut the fuck up and treat everyone with respect and equality. some of you people are really fuckin ignorant.

Well, that's MY opinion. Not everyone has to like fags. Jeez
May 15, 2002
This shouldnt even be an issue. How is this country based on freedom and equality when two people can't get married if they want to? These days, U cant say whether its right or wrong to date the same sex because shit is crazy now. I wouldnt do it myself, but I cant knock others who do because that might be the only place they can find love.