I think white bob is the only idiot who makes new screennames and posts some bullshit with one line in color and size 7... Peep his alter egos' posts, the asian "o'reary" guy, etc... Its always a hella plain s/n with the first letter of each word capatalized...
Plus its not hard to pick up on White Bob's trademark horrible taste in humor and wierd foriegner vibe. He is the most amount of pathetic, without being entertainingly pathetic, ive ever seen. Im not talking about magazines when i say that white bob has lots of TIME, but no LIFE. If youre gonna troll a forum because you have nothing better to do then thats one thing... But at least do it right... If u cant even troll right then you fail at life.
White bob- if youre reading this, please shove a crumpet up your ass and go crawl under a rock and die.
thank you.