this is funny to me cause it just shows how much tech n9ne affects his fans. So i met this kid at my apartments the other day and he comes over. We're just chillin pullin' some tubez off the ol' jerome baker glass and im like yo! lets bump some shit. He looks at my signed anghellic and Absolute power poster and is like "whos that?" So i put anghellic on . this kid was hella into it. i had "this ring" on. ......anyhow, the next day he comes back by and was like yo man i was soooo blazed last night , and says he had this crazy ass dream that he was chilling on his kitchen counter looking in this mirror and he had red spiked hair. He then said he had a spatchula as a mic and was chanting "tech niiiiiiiii9e!" ......... "tech niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9999" like the chorus on "this ring". This kid was like 17 and was hella exited when he was telling me and my other homies about it. It was fucking comedy! I totally feel where this kid is coming from though. after i saw tech live in tucson i had all these crazy ass dreams because i had never heard nor seen anyone perform on tha level tech did. anyone else have some crazy ass story like that. I know if tech reads this he'll get a good laugh. I mean come'on ..........a spatchula? tech your music is like a virus man. once you hear it people are hooked man. Keep on infecting!