Funny shit, What would you do?

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Sep 4, 2003
At school today I had to take a monster piss, so I left class and headed to the John. The bathroom was typical, tree stalls and four urinals. Here is where the dilemma comes into play, there was one dude using a urinal and one dude using a stall, as men I know you guys have all been through this and know what was going through my head. I thought about it for a second in my head, "if I go to the stall I can pee without the possibility of the dude using the urinal sneaking a peek at my dong and I also eliminate the possibility of more guys coming in and getting sandwiched between two dudes pissing on both sides of me. On the other hand, if I go straight to the stall people may think that I got something to hide and that perhaps I am embarrassed of my schlong." So much went through my head and I decide to be a man and piss in the urinals even though the entire time I felt uncomfortably close to the fat bastard pissing just to my right. So my question is, what do you guys do in this situation, do you pee in stalls even when there are available urinals or do you do as I did and piss uncomfortably close to another man as a matter of principle?


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
i piss in the stalls...i dont like the idea of some shmoe with his dick in hand taking a piss not 2 feet from me...its a nightmare when you go to a sporting got no choice but to piss next to some guy.
Jul 14, 2003
Never Go into a stall when enemies are around. Thats the worst way to get caught slippin. specially if you go to a shitty ass High school like mine and you aint got no locks on the stalls. I never go #2 at school so i always use the urinals. and if ders 3/4 urinals taken up ill go to another b-room just to waste class time.
Aug 20, 2003
wut about them places dat have dem wierd ass urinals its like a loong ass sink dat spans liek 8 feet and u just go up and piss in it..yall know wut im talkin bout?

but naw man i piss in da stalls haha i piss on the tp all da time
Apr 25, 2002
God I hate them long ass bathtub pissers. I go to the derby every year prayin I don't have to piss all day because the line for stalls is way too long so I'm forced to piss right in a long line of flopping dongs. It's disgusting.