The first thing is the space program. The reason I think this way this is because the billion dollar space industry could go to feed Americas hungry and homeless. I dont want to hear the old its their fault nonsense. IF you think this you need help. We are all here to help our fellow man. Also could go to wildlife funds to help the preservation of animals and also homeless animals to get them shelter. I dont care about the moon nor the other planets around. Since we are paying taxes for nonsense we might as well be able to ride on one for free. Other countries should follow suit as well. Now thats not to say that private companies such as Bill Gates Microsoft could fund it since he does his part. This way these wasted billions of dollars could go to a better cause. People are more important then a space ship and our the moon. The sun isnt going to explode and we are okay.
Next is this war pull the troops out and let iraq fend for itself. Close the doors to all and regulate in only trade. Other countries could do the same. Allow travel as well since travel is a big part of many countries commerce. To those countries where people wont travel then trade will work well and if it doesnt then other countries will pull together to help. But only in the radius of the country. An example of this would be if such a country like Chile was struggling then the surrounding countries would help Chile out. No aid from North America since we would be out of range and thus Canada and Mexico would be the countries we would help.
Third make all the celebrities help even if they didnt want to. As well as the high rich. This enables all to be equal I know some do, but people like Paris Hilton would be prohibited from being in public because she is not a role model to society. As is many of the other Celebs. These celebs would be premitted to make movies and do shows but not at the money they make now. This would greatly feed America. Any person of rich status being greedy is punished by the whole. An example would need to be made. Death would not be the punishment rather the loss of their status and money so as to make them a middle class citizen. Those rich that do help will be fine. Because they will not have over a certain amount. Rappers would be included as well because there is no rhyme worth millions. And neither should endorsements.
Next up is sports players and sports in general. Sports players would not make great sums of money they would be paid the same as a well paid electrician because they do not deserve millions at all, they do nothing to deserve them. If anything the Doctors and Teachers would be paid higher. The stadiums would be paid for by private funds and not us since some of us dont watch much sports if any at all. Injuried sports players would be paid in relation to the time they played.
Nest is fashion and music, the fashion idustry would lose all its money and that money would be used to help the previous things mentioned. Music would be free to download and studio time would be free for any one struggling, with time limitations on how long you get free studio time. Maintainance would be paid by taxes on the rich actors and musicians.
Next, morality would be very large which means no gays getting married and keeping their practices inside of their own homes. If you want to be gay whatever keep it at home. No practice outside of privacy. Its a problem to the children that should not see that. Schools and universites would get the funding they deserve without raising tution. It would be part of the taxes of the rich.
These issues need to be adressed and taken care of accordingly. To better the society for us all.
Next is this war pull the troops out and let iraq fend for itself. Close the doors to all and regulate in only trade. Other countries could do the same. Allow travel as well since travel is a big part of many countries commerce. To those countries where people wont travel then trade will work well and if it doesnt then other countries will pull together to help. But only in the radius of the country. An example of this would be if such a country like Chile was struggling then the surrounding countries would help Chile out. No aid from North America since we would be out of range and thus Canada and Mexico would be the countries we would help.
Third make all the celebrities help even if they didnt want to. As well as the high rich. This enables all to be equal I know some do, but people like Paris Hilton would be prohibited from being in public because she is not a role model to society. As is many of the other Celebs. These celebs would be premitted to make movies and do shows but not at the money they make now. This would greatly feed America. Any person of rich status being greedy is punished by the whole. An example would need to be made. Death would not be the punishment rather the loss of their status and money so as to make them a middle class citizen. Those rich that do help will be fine. Because they will not have over a certain amount. Rappers would be included as well because there is no rhyme worth millions. And neither should endorsements.
Next up is sports players and sports in general. Sports players would not make great sums of money they would be paid the same as a well paid electrician because they do not deserve millions at all, they do nothing to deserve them. If anything the Doctors and Teachers would be paid higher. The stadiums would be paid for by private funds and not us since some of us dont watch much sports if any at all. Injuried sports players would be paid in relation to the time they played.
Nest is fashion and music, the fashion idustry would lose all its money and that money would be used to help the previous things mentioned. Music would be free to download and studio time would be free for any one struggling, with time limitations on how long you get free studio time. Maintainance would be paid by taxes on the rich actors and musicians.
Next, morality would be very large which means no gays getting married and keeping their practices inside of their own homes. If you want to be gay whatever keep it at home. No practice outside of privacy. Its a problem to the children that should not see that. Schools and universites would get the funding they deserve without raising tution. It would be part of the taxes of the rich.
These issues need to be adressed and taken care of accordingly. To better the society for us all.