Funding to these things need to be taken away and used for other things.

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Oct 14, 2004
The first thing is the space program. The reason I think this way this is because the billion dollar space industry could go to feed Americas hungry and homeless. I dont want to hear the old its their fault nonsense. IF you think this you need help. We are all here to help our fellow man. Also could go to wildlife funds to help the preservation of animals and also homeless animals to get them shelter. I dont care about the moon nor the other planets around. Since we are paying taxes for nonsense we might as well be able to ride on one for free. Other countries should follow suit as well. Now thats not to say that private companies such as Bill Gates Microsoft could fund it since he does his part. This way these wasted billions of dollars could go to a better cause. People are more important then a space ship and our the moon. The sun isnt going to explode and we are okay.

Next is this war pull the troops out and let iraq fend for itself. Close the doors to all and regulate in only trade. Other countries could do the same. Allow travel as well since travel is a big part of many countries commerce. To those countries where people wont travel then trade will work well and if it doesnt then other countries will pull together to help. But only in the radius of the country. An example of this would be if such a country like Chile was struggling then the surrounding countries would help Chile out. No aid from North America since we would be out of range and thus Canada and Mexico would be the countries we would help.

Third make all the celebrities help even if they didnt want to. As well as the high rich. This enables all to be equal I know some do, but people like Paris Hilton would be prohibited from being in public because she is not a role model to society. As is many of the other Celebs. These celebs would be premitted to make movies and do shows but not at the money they make now. This would greatly feed America. Any person of rich status being greedy is punished by the whole. An example would need to be made. Death would not be the punishment rather the loss of their status and money so as to make them a middle class citizen. Those rich that do help will be fine. Because they will not have over a certain amount. Rappers would be included as well because there is no rhyme worth millions. And neither should endorsements.

Next up is sports players and sports in general. Sports players would not make great sums of money they would be paid the same as a well paid electrician because they do not deserve millions at all, they do nothing to deserve them. If anything the Doctors and Teachers would be paid higher. The stadiums would be paid for by private funds and not us since some of us dont watch much sports if any at all. Injuried sports players would be paid in relation to the time they played.

Nest is fashion and music, the fashion idustry would lose all its money and that money would be used to help the previous things mentioned. Music would be free to download and studio time would be free for any one struggling, with time limitations on how long you get free studio time. Maintainance would be paid by taxes on the rich actors and musicians.

Next, morality would be very large which means no gays getting married and keeping their practices inside of their own homes. If you want to be gay whatever keep it at home. No practice outside of privacy. Its a problem to the children that should not see that. Schools and universites would get the funding they deserve without raising tution. It would be part of the taxes of the rich.

These issues need to be adressed and taken care of accordingly. To better the society for us all.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
it makes more sense to spend money on fancy parties were thousands of dpopes can watch the presidnet ride around for hrs in his bullet proof car while theere is a war going on than it is to sepnd money were it is really needed.
Oct 14, 2004
That is true thats why we need a new form of government. One that betters society but one that can be put in check. Bush wants to clear the enviorment and kill many animals. This is one of the reasons why I dont like him.
Oct 14, 2004
And then shit on the poor. No way I have no respect for that, because I know being poor can be shit. I grew up middle class but I can feel for those less off then me. Thats why I give to charities that help those ideas I mentioned above.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
but for thise society we live in to work, we need celebs like paris hilton and nicole richie...the more we see paris, the more we wnt o buy that new purse, the more we want to engulf ourselves w material things that dont mean shit but status to narrow minded folks...they cant have role models like einstein, or teachers up on tv...shit kids might want to make something w their lives and educate themselves about the real with this world instead of wearing what the celebs are wearing, and partying like the hiltons.

i dont think the USA is trying to fend for other countries when it goes over there stikcing thei nose in...i think it has to do more with the US gaining more control and power, and running things...if iraq had no oil, had nothing we wanted, nobody here would give a fuck if saddam had rape room and tortue chambers...shit nobody gives a damn when innocent pl die in war, the excuse "thats war" is just thrown out because in reality ppl dont give a fuck...unless its their own kids dying, ppl could care less how many towel heads die.

personally i think hospitals should be can you let one person die because he has no money, while keeping some comatose patient alive because his bill is paying off that new mercedes robert sanders dds is driving around.

i think sports players are the most overpaid sons of bitches in this country, come on...someone is making millions for playing a sport i used to play for fun back in jr high?
how many dumb jocks from high school do you know?, shit i know a gang of them, students in college who would be drop outs because theyre so dumb if it wasnt for sports, kids getting scholarships and breaks while doing minimum school work (*cough *cough*maurice clarett *ahem).i think it serves the higher ups best that more and more kids focus on sports instead of something were you actually need to use your brain and not just your brawn.

teachers should be amongst the highest paid in the country...these ppl are teaching the who will one day run this country, and we have them making 30gs a year, and each year theyre budgets get cut so they have to piece all their nickels and dimes to buy enough supplise for all the kids...

shit if i ruled the world...
Oct 14, 2004
^^^^ I agree with you on that all. Iam from Ohio so I know Maurice Clarnet incident. He is arrogant like a little bitch. People like that need to be slapped on public tv. I know tons of Jocks because I went to racist high school where kids could wear Klu Klux Klan shirts in the school and teh teachers didnt say shit. But when my pants sagged a little bit or my rap nonsense was to loud then here we go lets say shit to him and try to get him in trouble. Now since rap split into its other half pop bitch rap the school is trying to adopt raps customs. The school was filled with jocks and racists and whore bitches who didnt give ya boy S4 the time of day but you know what so fucking what. Teahers and Docs should get good pay.
Dec 18, 2002
Rob S4 said:
The first thing is the space program. The reason I think this way this is because the billion dollar space industry could go to feed Americas hungry and homeless. I dont want to hear the old its their fault nonsense. IF you think this you need help. We are all here to help our fellow man. Also could go to wildlife funds to help the preservation of animals and also homeless animals to get them shelter. I dont care about the moon nor the other planets around. Since we are paying taxes for nonsense we might as well be able to ride on one for free. Other countries should follow suit as well. Now thats not to say that private companies such as Bill Gates Microsoft could fund it since he does his part. This way these wasted billions of dollars could go to a better cause. People are more important then a space ship and our the moon. The sun isnt going to explode and we are okay.
The space program is the future of life on earth as far as im concerned, as soon as we figure space travel out, were outta here.

Rob S4 said:
Next is this war pull the troops out and let iraq fend for itself. Close the doors to all and regulate in only trade. Other countries could do the same. Allow travel as well since travel is a big part of many countries commerce. To those countries where people wont travel then trade will work well and if it doesnt then other countries will pull together to help. But only in the radius of the country. An example of this would be if such a country like Chile was struggling then the surrounding countries would help Chile out. No aid from North America since we would be out of range and thus Canada and Mexico would be the countries we would help.
In my opinion, the deadlines for Iraqis to fend for themselves are just fronts. As long as Halliburton bulldozers are in Iraq, US troops will be.

Rob S4 said:
Third make all the celebrities help even if they didnt want to. As well as the high rich. This enables all to be equal I know some do, but people like Paris Hilton would be prohibited from being in public because she is not a role model to society. As is many of the other Celebs. These celebs would be premitted to make movies and do shows but not at the money they make now. This would greatly feed America. Any person of rich status being greedy is punished by the whole. An example would need to be made. Death would not be the punishment rather the loss of their status and money so as to make them a middle class citizen. Those rich that do help will be fine. Because they will not have over a certain amount. Rappers would be included as well because there is no rhyme worth millions. And neither should endorsements.
Or just make the companies that profit from movie stars donate a certain percentage back and make that tax deductable.

Rob S4 said:
Next up is sports players and sports in general. Sports players would not make great sums of money they would be paid the same as a well paid electrician because they do not deserve millions at all, they do nothing to deserve them. If anything the Doctors and Teachers would be paid higher. The stadiums would be paid for by private funds and not us since some of us dont watch much sports if any at all. Injuried sports players would be paid in relation to the time they played.
Same as above.

Rob S4 said:
Nest is fashion and music, the fashion idustry would lose all its money and that money would be used to help the previous things mentioned. Music would be free to download and studio time would be free for any one struggling, with time limitations on how long you get free studio time. Maintainance would be paid by taxes on the rich actors and musicians.

Rob S4 said:
Next, morality would be very large which means no gays getting married and keeping their practices inside of their own homes. If you want to be gay whatever keep it at home. No practice outside of privacy. Its a problem to the children that should not see that. Schools and universites would get the funding they deserve without raising tution. It would be part of the taxes of the rich.

These issues need to be adressed and taken care of accordingly. To better the society for us all.
Whatever hangup you have with gays and gay marriage is your opinion and yours alone. Don't bring morality into the situation. LOTS of animals are gay, it is a part of nature, SOCIETY'S problem with homosexuality is a seperate issue from MORALS entirely. Gay people can be very law abiding and moral people, their gay-ness has nothing to do with it.
Jan 2, 2003
@ ROBS4...u amde sum good points HOWEVER this one "Next is this war pull the troops out and let iraq fend for itself." a STARIGHT UP, BRAID-DEAD COMMENT

lets go there, blow the fuck ouitta it...then leave...CMON NOW!!!!...its too late ROBS4.....thank BUSH for that...we went were stuck there...its our responsiblity to fix things cuz we "broke" them in the first place...we destroyed that country...we cant just be like "ok, late"....

ofcoure we would like to see troops lieave....but we have dug a grave....and its not time to climb out..
Apr 25, 2002
Kinda sounds like socialism to me. Why should the rich be forced to give up their hard earned money? Thats stupid. Why dont people get off thier lazy fuckin asses and go to school and get a good job and work hard?

There are so many things wrong with this thread. basicly what you said i belve the oppisite.
Apr 25, 2002
askG said:
i think sports players are the most overpaid sons of bitches in this country, come on...someone is making millions for playing a sport i used to play for fun back in jr high?
how many dumb jocks from high school do you know?, shit i know a gang of them, students in college who would be drop outs because theyre so dumb if it wasnt for sports, kids getting scholarships and breaks while doing minimum school work (*cough *cough*maurice clarett *ahem).i think it serves the higher ups best that more and more kids focus on sports instead of something were you actually need to use your brain and not just your brawn.


think bigger think of the guy who signs the check,why is there a salary cap ,really they only get a peice of the pie . and if you'er playin football you have to be smart , the problem i have with players today is they don't speak there mind and or don't care about social issues.
Apr 25, 2002
KleanKut said:
Kinda sounds like socialism to me. Why should the rich be forced to give up their hard earned money? Thats stupid. Why dont people get off thier lazy fuckin asses and go to school and get a good job and work hard?

There are so many things wrong with this thread. basicly what you said i belve the oppisite.

whats wrong with a little socialism , its like if you seen someone dieing wouldn't you help them i wouldn't unless they had insurence
Oct 14, 2004
KleanKut said:
Kinda sounds like socialism to me. Why should the rich be forced to give up their hard earned money? Thats stupid. Why dont people get off thier lazy fuckin asses and go to school and get a good job and work hard?

There are so many things wrong with this thread. basicly what you said i belve the oppisite.

Thats fine but the most of the rich dont deserve the money they have (Sports players, Actors, And the like) Its fine if you dont hold the same but it matters none because the way I have described above would help tremendously. Is that all you can say is its stupid and reduce yourself to pity name calling. Must people arent lazy you just have a sense that they are because thats all you know.


Sicc OG
May 18, 2002
just curious, Rob S4, have u ever read John Rawls? he addresses some of these things, like the disparity of equality. if u haven't u should check him out, one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century.
Jan 2, 2003
Rob S4 said:
Thats fine but the most of the rich dont deserve the money they have (Sports players, Actors, And the like) I

they don't...however WE ARE THE ONES WHO PAY THEM!!!....if we didnt go to the games or movies, etc, etc. they wouldnt get P-A-I-D.

everything is based on "perception"...
Oct 14, 2004
D-Boy said:
just curious, Rob S4, have u ever read John Rawls? he addresses some of these things, like the disparity of equality. if u haven't u should check him out, one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century.

I read a little on him when I was in Ethics class and he explained some of those things and I agree with him to a point.

@Agent Thats true.