Fuck the I R S

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May 13, 2002

By Carl F. Worden

Forget the war in Iraq, Afghanistan and our excellent adventure in Liberia. Forget about Kobe, Arnold, Arriana, Scott and Laci. The biggest news of the entire week is that on August 8, 2003, the IRS was unable to convince a jury in Memphis, Tennessee that the Federal Tax Code requires the citizens to pay individual income taxes. I kid you not. I watched as many Sunday news programs as I could possibly stand, and I didn’t hear a single mention of the IRS’ debacle in Memphis. If you ever had doubts about the mainstream media being controlled by the federal government, doubt no more.

For those not already aware, FedEx Pilot Vernice Kuglin began studying the IRS Code some years ago, and was simply unable to find anywhere in the code that she was required to pay federal income taxes.

And here’s the most remarkable part: Back in 1995, Kuglin wrote letters in good faith to the IRS, asking them to show her where the Tax Code requires individual citizens to pay federal income taxes. Incredibly, the IRS never answered a single one of her letters!

As she studied the facts, laws and related documents more, Kuglin became convinced that, regardless of the IRS’ failure to respond one way or the other, she was exempt from paying federal income taxes. So, Kuglin filled out W-4 forms showing 99 exemptions, and turned them in to her employer. Doing that meant Kuglin got to take home almost all of her paycheck each payday, instead of what was left after the feds ravaged it.

The IRS went after Kuglin for six counts of tax evasion on $920,000.00 income, and for filing “false” W-4 forms, charges that could have put the 58 year-old Kuglin in federal prison for up to 30 years and cost her 1.5 million in fines.

Apparently, things didn’t go quite the slam-dunk way federal prosecutor Joe Murphy thought they would. My money says the IRS wishes they had never gone after Kuglin at all. In fact, after the jury returned not guilty verdicts on all counts, Murphy is reported to have demanded that the judge order Kuglin to file her forms, pay her taxes and “obey the law”. The judge reportedly replied, “Sir, I don’t work for the IRS.”

Now pinch yourself and review this astonishing turn of events: A highly trained and educated federal prosecutor in Memphis was unable to convince 12 American citizens that Vernice Kuglin was required to pay federal income taxes. He was clearly unable to produce a single section of the Tax Code to that end, and the jury was unanimous in clearing Kuglin of all charges against her. If the foregoing was not so, Kuglin would have been convicted.

Jurors tend not to be very sympathetic with tax scofflaws, since each one of them is also a taxpayer and they understandably feel resentment towards anyone not paying “their fair share”. So in order for this federal jury to completely vindicate Kuglin, the government’s failure to prove their case against her had to have been clear and unequivocal!

I haven’t read the trial transcript yet, but I must assume the federal prosecutor at least tried to twist some vague and ambiguous section of the Tax Code to make it look like it applied to Kuglin. I don’t know that, but I’ll bet he tried. What else could he use to prosecute her with?

Thanks to the IRS’ arrogance and stupidity, and Kuglin’s refusal to plead to lesser charges, Kuglin accomplished what Bob Schultz and the other “tax protesters” had been denied all along: To force the IRS into a public debate and to answer the question of whether or not the Tax Code requires an individual to pay personal income taxes. Kuglin and her two attorneys, Larry Becraft and Robert Bernhoft, have unequivocally forced the IRS to show its hand, and 12 judges hearing that debate ruled the answer to be “NO”.

I think it’s time for everyone reading this to send a very polite letter to the IRS, telling them they read about the case in Memphis, and is it true that there is no section in the U.S. Tax Code that requires an individual citizen to pay federal income taxes?

Don’t be threatening in any way, or announce that you plan to stop paying federal income taxes. This request is for your personal edification, and you just simply want to know the truth.

Like Kuglin, you probably won’t get an answer back, but just to prove you sent the letter and that they received it, be certain to send the letter via certified U.S. Mail, with a return receipt requested. When you get that receipt back, staple it to a copy of the letter you sent the IRS, and put it somewhere real secure, like a personal safe or bank deposit box.

I don’t have to explain why, now do I?

Now, how many calls to FOX’ Bill O’Reilly will it take to convince him we know he’s doing a spin in the No-Spin Zone by sitting on this story? Start e-mailing O’Reilly at [email protected], and be sure to give him your city and state. He’s gonna love me.

Carl F. Worden]
Jun 2, 2002
Yeah I know where this is coming from...something like four years ago, my step-mom and a group got into all this shit, she gave me a book to read that I pretty much disregarded the day after she gave it to me, which I wish I had read it...anyways, she decided not to pay her taxes, and she was making boat loads of cash in a pryamid scheme, well when the irs would send her statements of how much money she owed the goverment, she would send them papers pretty much saying show me where i have to pay this bullshit...well to make a long story short, her company went bankrupt, and shes working her ass off to this day trying to pay off her taxes from four years ago.
Jul 24, 2002
SGC~CEO said:
wut do they mean by "individual income taxes"?
Yeah I was wondering the same thing as it sounded to good to be true. But they mean, Your Income Taxes", the same ones you pay every year.

The fucking IRS is uncle sam's money collector, they work very similar to collectors whom work for the mafia.
Am I comparing our government to the mafia? Hell yeah....
May 8, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
I watched as many Sunday news programs as I could possibly stand, and I didn’t hear a single mention of the IRS’ debacle in Memphis. If you ever had doubts about the mainstream media being controlled by the federal government, doubt no more.
i read about it on the drudge report along with the link to the Washington Post.

Drudge Report---7 million readers to his website daily (conservaitve website)

Washington Post--- mainstream media mega newspaper (liberal paper)

how can you say that it was buried by the press??
May 13, 2002
Re: Re: Fuck the I R S

Mcleanhatch said:

i read about it on the drudge report along with the link to the Washington Post.

Drudge Report---7 million readers to his website daily (conservaitve website)

Washington Post--- mainstream media mega newspaper (liberal paper)

how can you say that it was buried by the press??

" watched as many Sunday news programs as I could possibly stand, and I didn’t hear a single mention of the IRS’ debacle in Memphis"


May 8, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Fuck the I R S

2-0-Sixx said:

" watched as many Sunday news programs as I could possibly stand, and I didn’t hear a single mention of the IRS’ debacle in Memphis"


wheres your keyword in this statement asshole

2-0-Sixx said:
If you ever had doubts about the mainstream media being controlled by the federal government, doubt no more.
i didnt know the mainstream media was limited to TV. i could have sworm "Mainstream Media" was the TV networks, Cable News Networks, and Major Newspapers and Magazines
May 13, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Fuck the I R S

Mcleanhatch said:

wheres your keyword in this statement asshole


i didnt know the mainstream media was limited to TV. i could have sworm "Mainstream Media" was the TV networks, Cable News Networks, and Major Newspapers and Magazines
The majority of dipshit americans get their information from the TV. Some read the newspaper,(which is still controlled by the government) and a very small percent get it from the internet.
May 2, 2002
I learned in ecomonics that, through many a loop hole in the system, that the IRS taxing citizens cannot be enforced. but loop holes have loop holes which makes taxing possible.


Apr 25, 2002
Say no to taxes. If the average american had any idea about taxes, the federal reserve, tangibles or a simple knowledge of american currency this country would be overthrown.

@migg welcome back man. Hows your hand? Sunday I took my sister to the airport but I had to put gas in my ride. I go in hand the guy a 20 bill (with some losers face on it) and I leave. I go out pump the gas but go back in because I forgot my reciept. When I asked for it the cashier (white guy late 30's early 40's) laughed and asked me why I needed it. I told him for tax purposes. He cracked up and told me "the government is like the mafia". He said/asked "How in the hell can the government say if you don't pay us you can't run a business". I don't drop bombs on the guy I sit back and soak game. He proceeds to ask me about the bill I gave him. He took it back out and asked me if I knew what it was. I said "yes its a promisary note it has no real value" he says "CORRECT!" and continues to drop more game on me. I couldnt stay long because I had to smash but the gas station guy was smart. He told me about gold (stuff I already knew) and other tangibles. It was nice to have a convo with someone who knows exactly what is going on. Especially a white male because a lot of white males (speaking from experience) think young black males are ravenous wolves.

They have loop holes you can use to get out of paying. they have loop holes they can use to make you pay. I've been having a GREAT time not paying taxes legally. It's nothing they can do about it because its LEGAL and I'm playing by the rules THEY enforce.




May 13, 2002
^Long time no see. How's life?

"Your Social Security contributions are not part of your estate. When you die, you lose everything. If you have dependents, a special one-time payment of $255 may be made to your spouse or minor children when you die. Your dependents may also be eligible for benefits if you earned enough Social Security credits while you were working. "

Even the official Social Security website says the younger generation is basically fucked (unless serious change is made).