cali has the worst drivers, washington is pretty bad too, maybe its the whole west coast, i havnt had enough experience in oregon to say. michigan drivers were the best, always stayed in the right lane or got over for you.
when i came back, right after getting over the cali border i was ready to kill someone. Mostly, people need to realize outside of the designated times, it's no longer the carpool lane and to stay the fuck out of the fast lane. There's no excuse for me to be able to go around 10 cars by leaving the fast lane and going into the middle lane or slow lane. Then you gotta go 80+ just so you can cut around these idiots and look for openings in the idiots ahead of them.
I could never speed in washington though... you got cops in cars like ford taurus's and shit lol I'd be getting tickets every other day.
is it just washington drivers are morons ?? espscially when im not even speeding and they are driving miss dasisy and shit ! makes me wonder if they can read the BIG ASS sign that says slower vehicles keep RIGHT every day at least 4 douche bags do that shit
imagine washington... now WITHOUT those signs. that's cali, the fucking worst.