not a whole lot of difference really....not like its gonna make any better beats if you dont know what you doin wit i said its all about vsts......and some good samples..........and its only 100 dollaz for a legit version and whenever they do updates you can upgrade for free......
anyone that uses fruity want good sound out of it holla at me for some vsts and drum samples....
i got a gang a sicc drums sampled by a top notch producer from his studio....Sho Nuff of Rock It Productions....fat kiccs, bass drums, snares, hi hats, and percussion drum sounds great quality......
vst's i have:
Edirol Orchestral (orchestra sounds...strings, brasses, woodwinds etc.)
Edirol Hyper Canvas (all general midi instruments from pianos to ethnic sounds)
Edirol Super Quartet (good varieties of pianos such as Rhodes, Electric Pianos, etc.....great Guitars, nylons,steel electric an natural Bass guitar sounds)
Novation Bass Station (virtual synth of the hardware by same name....great bass synths for that gangsta sound)
Novation V Station (another virtual synth version of the Novation K Station hardware.....good dance n techno electronic sounds that can be integrated into rap beats if used right....pads, leads, synth strings, basses etc.)