The last song Nitty made was with me and Hectic at my apartment on 8th ave in Oakland. I remember how we had to stop recordin' so we could fix some lunch for his son , I think a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I have the clearest image of him holding his son and rocking him in his lap, with his face on his sons body, like he was totally tryin to get the point across to his son how much he loved him. I do that with my son and my daughter and that's where I got that from. Three days later he was killed. Kevin Epps called to tell me and that was it. The song was on a CD that got confiscated by the feds when they had all the raids behind that BB WM episode. Man I miss that dude. We was all just startin' to get some action with music. He had jokes too, I stayed laughin......RIP Nitty.