Four days before Christmas, President Bush granted pardons to 16 people

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May 13, 2002
Marry Christmas!

Bush Pardons Small-Time Meth Dealer

Four Days Before Christmas, President Pardons 16 People

WASHINGTON, Dec. 21, 2006 — - Four days before Christmas, President Bush granted pardons to 16 people, including a man convicted of dealing methamphetamine and another who, along with his family, donated to the Republican National Committee and the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign.

Of the 16 pardons, six were for people convicted of minor drug violations, six were for people convicted of making false statements on bank or money loans. The other pardons involved a conspiracy case to defraud the government, a false statement case, a kickback conviction and an alcohol tax violation charge dating to 1969.

Including the 16 pardons today, Bush has issued 113 pardons and three clemency requests during his presidency.

Phillip Anthony Emmert, the only one of the 16 pardoned today who is currently in jail, was convicted of distributing methamphetamine but will have that sentence commuted.

The other 15 will have their records expunged and have certain rights restored, such as the right to vote.

Presidential pardons have drawn renewed scrutiny since President Clinton pardoned financier Marc Rich in 2001. Rich had fled the United States in 1983 to avoid prosecution by the government on tax-evasion charges.

Outrage over the case came to light when it was revealed that his wife, Denise Rich, had contributed money to the Democratic National Committee and Clinton's presidential library.

Campaign Contributor Pardoned

According to a Federal Election Commission record search conducted by ABC News, one of the 16 people in the presidential pardons announced today by the Justice Department has donated money to the Republican National Committee and the Bush campaign.

Dale C. Critz Jr. was convicted in 1989 of making false statements in a case. He never served time but was given three years probation for his offense.

He and members of his immediate family have made donations to Republican candidates and the RNC. On April 7, 2003, Critz donated $500 to the RNC and on Sept. 30, 2003, his father, Dale C. Critz, donated $2,000 to the Bush-Cheney campaign.

"The Department of Justice conducts a thorough review of each clemency case but does not consider campaign contributions relevant to the analysis," Justice Department spokeswoman Kathleen Blomquist said.

Calls by ABC News to Critz and his lawyer, John Hogan of Miami, were not returned Thursday.

Small-Time Drug Dealer to Go Free

Emmert, the only man who will be released from prison in this round of pardons, was described by an attorney with knowledge of his case as a small-time drug dealer who funded his habit by selling methamphetamine to friends.

He was arrested in 1992 in a drug sting and faced trial with two other individuals that he did not know, according to a summary of his clemency petition.

Emmert began serving his sentence in December 1992 and was not due to be released until 2011. Several factors contributed to the commutation by the president, including the fact that Emmert's wife was paralyzed from the waist down in a car accident in 1994.

Although he won't go free in time for the holidays, he is now set to be released on Jan. 20, 2007. The extra time is needed make sure that his post-release plans are secured and supervised, according to a Justice department official.

Emmert was represented pro bono in the case by the Washington law firm Crowell & Moring.

Among the high-profile presidential pardons over the years have been President Ford's 1975 pardon of Richard Nixon after the Watergate scandal, President Reagan's pardon of FBI agents Mark Felt and Edward Miller for authorizing illegal searches. Felt would later be revealed as Bob Woodward's source "Deep Throat," who helped unravel the breadth of the Watergate Scandal. President George H.W. Bush also was criticized in 1992 for pardoning six people convicted in the Iran-Contra scandal.

A List of Today's Pardons

Charles James Allen Winchester, Virginia Offense: Conspiracy to defraud the United States; 18 U.S.C. § 371

Sentence: Aug. 3, 1979; District of Maryland; one year of custody to be served by 30 days in jail, 90 days in a work-release program, and the remaining period on parole

William Sidney Baldwin, Sr. Green Pond, South Carolina Offense: Conspiracy to possess marijuana; 21 U.S.C. § 846

Sentence: Oct. 27, 1981; District of South Carolina; six years' imprisonment

Timothy Evans Barfield Cary, North Carolina Offense: Aiding and abetting false statements on a Small Business Administration loan application; 15 U.S.C. § 645(a) and 18 U.S.C. § 2

Sentence: July 17, 1989; Eastern District of North Carolina; three years' probation, including 96 hours of community service

Clyde Philip Boudreaux Thibodaux, Louisiana Offense: Borrowing money from enlisted men, accepting a non-interest bearing loan from a government contractor, and signing and swearing to a false affidavit; U.C.M.J. Articles 92, 107, 134

Sentence: Dec. 2, 1975; as approved by the convening authority on January 29, 1976; United States Navy general court-martial convened at Okinawa, Japan, and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina; reprimand; loss of numbers on the promotion list; and a $1,000 fine

Marie Georgette Ginette Briere Gatineau, Quebec Offense: Possession of cocaine with intent to distribute; 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

Sentence: July 9, 1982; District of Puerto Rico; three years' imprisonment and three years' special parole

Dale C. Critz, Jr. Savannah, Georgia Offense: Making a false statement; 18 U.S.C. § 1014

Sentence: July 13, 1989; Middle District of Florida; three years' probation

Mark Alan Eberwine San Antonio, Texas Offense: Conspiracy to defraud the United States by impeding, impairing, and obstructing the assessment of taxes by the Internal Revenue Service; 18 U.S.C. § 371; false declarations to the grand jury; 18 U.S.C. § 1623

Sentence: Feb. 1, 1985, as amended April 23, 1986; Western District of Texas; two years' imprisonment

Colin Earl Francis Naugatuck, Connecticut Offense: Accepting a kickback; 41 U.S.C. §§ 53 and 54

Sentence: May 7, 1993; District of Connecticut; two years' probation and a $2,500 fine

George Thomas Harley Albuquerque, New Mexico Offense: Aiding and abetting the distribution of cocaine; 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1), 18 U.S.C. § 2

Sentence: Nov. 30, 1984; District of New Mexico; nine years' imprisonment; five years' special parole

Patricia Ann Hultman Kane, Pennsylvania Offense: Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute and to distribute cocaine and other controlled substances; 21 U.S.C. § 846

Sentence: Oct. 28, 1985; Western District of Pennsylvania; one year of imprisonment

Eric William Olson Ojai, California Offense: Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute, possession with intent to distribute, possession, and use of hashish; U.C.M.J. Articles 81 and 134

Sentence: Feb. 21, 1984; United States Army general court-martial convened at Bamberg, Germany; confinement at hard labor for one year; reduction to pay grade E-1; forfeiture of all pay and allowances; bad conduct discharge

Thomas R. Reece Cumming, Georgia Offense: Violating the Internal Revenue Code pertaining to alcohol; 26 U.S.C. § 5681(c)

Sentence: May 2, 1969; Northern District of Georgia; one year's imprisonment

Larry Gene Ross Indio, California Offense: Making false statements in a bank loan application; 18 U.S.C. § 1014

Sentence: Aug. 15, 1989; District of Wyoming; four years' probation, $7,654.20 restitution

Jearld David Swanner Lexington, Oklahoma Offense: Making false statements in a bank loan application; 18 U.S.C. § 1005

Sentence: Dec. 6, 1991; Western District of Oklahoma; three years' probation

James Walter Taylor McCrory, Arkansas Offense: Bank fraud; 18 U.S.C. § 1344

Sentence: Oct. 18, 1991; Eastern District of Arkansas; 90 days in jail, followed by two years and nine months' probation

Janet Theone Upton Salinas, California Offense: Mail fraud; 18 U.S.C. § 1341

Sentence: May 23, 1975; District of Nevada; two years' unsupervised probation

Phillip Anthony Emmert Washington, Iowa Offense: Conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine, 21 U.S.C. § 846

Sentence: Dec. 23, 1992; Southern District of Iowa; 262 months' imprisonment (as reduced on February 21, 1996); five years' supervised release

Terms of commutation: Sentence of imprisonment to expire on Jan. 20, 2007; term of supervised release left intact and in effect

Copyright © 2006 ABC News Internet Ventures
May 13, 2002
Here are the others:

* Alan Dale Austin (1987 misapplication of mortgage funds)
* Bruce Louis Bartos (1987 transportation of a machine gun in foreign commerce)
* David Thomas Billmyer (1978 military conviction for making a false claim)
* Carl E. Cantrell (1967 moonshining)
* Charles Winston Carter (1964 conspiracy to steal government property)
* Meredith Elizabeth Casares (1989 embezzlement of US Postal Service funds)
* Randall Leece Deal Clayton (1960 and 1964 liquor laws)
* Charles Russell Cooper (1959 bootlegging)
* William Charles Davis (1983 income tax evasion)
* William Henry Eagle (1972 moonshining)
* Robert Carter Eversole (1984 theft)
* Gerald Douglas Ficke (1992 money laundering)
* Harper James Finucan (1980 marijuana possession with intent to distribute)
* Anthony Americo Franchi (1983 tax evasion)
* Kenneth Clifford Foner (1991 bank fraud)
* Victoria Diane Frost (1994 conspiracy to possess and
* William Grover Frye (1968 AWOL and 1973 sale of stolen car)
* Joseph Daniel Gavin (1979 military insubordination, drunkenness, threats, and other offenses)
* George Glenn (1956 accepting $50 bribe while in military)
* Samuel Wattie Guerry (1984 food stamp fraud)
* Charles E. Hamilton (1989 mail fraud)
* Stanley Bernard Hamilton 1990 (money order fraud)
* Brianna Lea Haney (1991 failure to report monetary instruments)
* David Custer Heaston (1988 false statement)
* Melodie Jean Hebert (1984 defrauding U.S. with false claims)
* Bobby Frank Kay Sr. (1959 moonshining)
* James Ernest Kinard, Jr. (1984 fraudulent firearms dealer records)
* Richard Ardell Krueger (1979 mail fraud and 1980 and false statement on a loan application)
* Devin Timothy Kruse (1979 AWOL from Coast Guard)
* Margaret Ann Leggett (1981 false claims)
* Raul Marin (1982 failure to appear in court)
* Melvin L. McKee (1982 conspiracy to make false statements on a loan application)
* Charles McKinley, (1950 moonshining)
* Michael Mark McLaughlin (1983 mail fraud and conspiracy)
* Michael Robert Moelter (1988 illegal gambling business)
* Billie Curtis Moore (1977 income tax evasion)
* Richard Arthur Morse (1963 transportation of a stolen vehicle)
* Kenneth Lynn Norris (1993 unlawful disposal of hazardous waste)
* Joseph Mathew Novak (1994 possession and transfer of an illegal weapon)
* Donald Lee Pendergrass (1964 armed bank robbery)
* Fred Dale Pitzer (1976 transportation of falsely made securities)
* Charles Blurford Power (1948 transportation of a stolen vehicle)
* Gerard Murphy Rayne (1972 car theft)
* James Edward Reed (1975 marijuana possession with intent to distribute)
* Cecil John Rhodes (1981 false statement on a loan application)
* John Louis Ribando (1976 and 1978 marijuana dealing)
* Ernest Rudnet (1992 conspiracy to file false tax returns)
* Gary L. Saltzburg (1995 theft of government property)
* John Gregory Schillace (1988 conspiracy to possess cocaine for distribution)
* Russell Don Sell (1995 aiding and abetting a false statement on a loan application)
* James Leon Adams Simpsonville (1965 selling firearms to out of state residents and falsifying firearms records)
* Scott LaVerne Sparks (1989 theft of government property)
* Wendy St. Charles (1984 conspiracy to trade narcotics and cocaine distribution)
* David Lloyd St. Croix (1989 disposal of stolen explosives)
* Johnson Heyward Tisdale (1994 food stamp fraud)
* Edward Rodriguez Trevino, Jr. (1997 theft, convicted in military court)
* Jerry Dean Walker (1989 cocaine distribution)
* Joseph William Warner (1995 arson on an Indian reservation)
* Jimmy Lee Williams (1995 false statements on a loan application)
* Tony Dale Ashworth Winnsboro (1989 unlawful transfer of a firearm)

Both commutations of sentence were granted on May 20, 2004. They were granted to:

* Geraldine Gordon (1989 distribution of phencyclidine) (sentenced to 20 years plus 10 years supervised release; sentence commuted after 15 years, term of supervised release left intact)
* Bobby Mac Berry (1997 conspiracy to manufacture and possess with intent to distribute marijuana, money laundering) (sentenced to 9 years imprisonment plus 5 years supervised release; sentence reduced to 6 and a half years, terms of supervised release left intact)
Aug 3, 2005
are u fucking serious?!!

wow that is out of control. i bet the meth heads are his interbreeded cousins or some shit. any idea what his motives were or what relation they have with him?
Feb 2, 2006
i didnt know u could go to jail for rippin off the goverment just for some food stsmps. wait.....doesnt the goverment rip us off all the time