sounds like something typical someone that aint from the bay would say, i guess you have more in common with Lesbianyayo then we thought. Dont speak on shit you dont know about son!!!!
sounds like something typical someone that aint from the bay would say, i guess you have more in common with Lesbianyayo then we thought. Dont speak on shit you dont know about son!!!!
lol your the one on E-40 and the Clicks dick like there has never been anyone else nearly as good as them. Dont speak on bay rap cuz obviously you dont know shit
lol your the one one E-40 and the Clicks dick like there has never been anyone else nearly as good as them. Dont speak on bay rap cuz obviously you dont know shit
fja;lkejropiefjlkdjaqeipojfoij... no props for u buddy!! stay away from any drugs within your reach... especially the ones that require u to use a needle...