For the Michael Moore lovers: Your boy sold out MORE this time than last!

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Apr 25, 2002
So in 4 years expect him to back a run by Liberman for pres, maybe even McCain or some wanna be. In 8 expect him to back a straight up republican or neo-con.

Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2004 9:28 a.m. EST
Michael Moore: 'Bush Got More Votes'

Democrat conspiracy mongers currently pushing for a recount in Ohio in hopes of overturning the presidential election got no help last night from conspiracy monger-in-chief, Michael Moore, who told "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno that President Bush won the contest fair and square.

Asked why Democratic hopes went up in smoke on Election Day, Moore said simply, "I think Bush got more votes."

"The Republicans - I'll give them this - they had a story to tell," the Bush-bashing filmmaker conceded. "The Democrats, oftentimes, aren't very good at telling a story."
Moore explained:

"And the [Bush] story was: Out of the ashes of September 11 rose one man. And he stood on the rubble of lower Manhattan with a bullhorn and he said, 'I will protect you.'

"And he did," Moore added, as the audience began to applaud. "And we were never attacked again."

Dressed in a business suit and clean-shaven for the first time in years, Moore couldn't resist inserting the caveat: "That has nothing to do with whether we will be attacked again."

Still, his advice to disgruntled Dems had nothing to do with recounts or stolen elections or voter disenfranchisement.

"[Bush's victory] was just a couple of percentage points," the chastened-sounding movieman said. "People who voted for Kerry shouldn't be depressed at this point. They should pick themselves up. ... There's another game in four years. And we'll come back and do the best we can."


Sicc OG
Nov 2, 2002
Moore isnt "our boy", we just like the product he puts out.
He isnt our spokesperson. I actually find moore to have weak interveiwing skills.
In short, i could give a fuck about what moore says (you obviously didnt recognize his sarcasm in that interview) i just appretiate him for standing up for what he believes
Dec 18, 2002
This shows how much you know about anything cold, moore talks shit about democrats all the time. He doesn't like the President, that doesnt make him a democrat. And hes right, John Kerry was a shitty dem-elect and ran an even shittier campaign.


Sicc OG
Nov 2, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
If he talks so much shit about the Dems and Kerry, then why the fuck did back kerry?????
hes really a nader supporter but backed kerry in order to get bush out of the white house.
It wasnt his #1 priority to help kerry win, it was to ensure a bush loss
Jan 9, 2004
I'm hoping he comes back a neo-con and then Tarantino starts making movies about him, the Republicrat and Demrican frontrunners that year.
Apr 25, 2002
First he supports Nader . . . Nader Loses

Then he sells out Nader . . .

Next he supports Kerry . . . Kerry Loses

Now he sells out Kerry . . .

Next he'll back someone even more conservative rallying his "liberal" army behind him to try and defeat some other republican.

Fuck a Michael Moore and his bitchmade supporters.
Jul 7, 2002
a lot of people people on the left urge nader supporters to vote for kerry his time around, didnt mean they supported kerry 100%, priority number one was to get bush out.
Jul 7, 2002
ColdBlooded said:
Looks like they needed some new "stratigery" cuz that sure didn't work so well.
no it didnt, but the popular vote was almost 50/50, even with nader supporters voting for kerry that still wouldnt have been enough for kerry to win.

2-0-Sixx said:
Yeah, I agree. I thought it was pathetic and disrespecttful when Nader was invited to the Bill Maher show and M. Moore came out and got on his hands and knees and begged Nader to withdraw.
get off of CB's nuts.

pathetic and disrespectful? what is your choice of plan months before an election?

to have a 3rd party elected into the white house is not going to happen by helping nader at some lecture, 3 months before election day. this is going to take years / decades of organization, especially if everyone is not aware of the effects of bush's admin.
May 13, 2002
nefar559 said:
get off of CB's nuts.
What type of gay shit is that? CB and I disagree on a number of things and my response has nothing to do with his opinion or whatever. I simply think M. Moore is tool and you should get off his nuts

pathetic and disrespectful? what is your choice of plan months before an election?
Yes, pathetic and disrespectful. Moore spoke so highly of Nader before and after 2000 elections and told his fans to support Nader, only to get on his fucking hands like a trick and beg him to pull out. As if americans should ONLY have two choices.

to have a 3rd party elected into the white house is not going to happen by helping nader at some lecture, 3 months before election day. this is going to take years / decades of organization, especially if everyone is not aware of the effects of bush's admin.
Oooo, the effects of the bush admin! lol, you mean the pathetic failure of the democrats??!? Can't even beat a mental midget who destroyed the economy, waged an unpopular war, attacked workers rights, gay rights, attacked the environment, attacked women's rights, involved in corporate scandels, lied to america and so on and so on. The only people responsible for losing the '04 elections are the Democrats themselves for not doing anything to appeal to working class america.

lol, Nader only got .04% of the vote! Was it worth it?
Jul 10, 2002
I've said it before and I'll say it again...

I'm all for reform & social change, however to start at the top is acinine. In order for a change to happen (and there is no chance of revolution-in fact for longevity it will require an evolution of gov't change). For real change to happen, it must start in the local gov't, from city to county councilmen, school board members, ect... then once that is in place, progress towards they mayor, then governor, then congressional members, then as we move up the ranks go towards the federal level.

And then there is the Judicial aspect. which requires reformest to go to Law School, but that's a whole 'nother story...

The problem, no one wants to be a minority party at a nominal local gov't position to build the foundation and building blocks of establish a new base for politcal gain, hence its easier to critique from the sidelines (myself included, who know's maybe one day I'll get off my a$$ and run for some public office)

JoMoDo 2017!
Apr 25, 2002
nefar559 said:
no it didnt, but the popular vote was almost 50/50, even with nader supporters voting for kerry that still wouldnt have been enough for kerry to win.

That's the point. Dude turned bitch and sold out, for what? No good reason. Kerry was so weak he still couldn't pull enough votes to beat Bush, even with all the evil Nader voters, that "cost Gore the election", on his side.
May 13, 2002
Jomodo said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again...

I'm all for reform & social change, however to start at the top is acinine. In order for a change to happen (and there is no chance of revolution-in fact for longevity it will require an evolution of gov't change). For real change to happen, it must start in the local gov't, from city to county councilmen, school board members, ect... then once that is in place, progress towards they mayor, then governor, then congressional members, then as we move up the ranks go towards the federal level.
Well, that's where I think you are seriously wrong. Change cannot and will not occur from the top or through any reforms or as you call "evolution of government."

“The problem with reformists is that it isn’t the reformist that changes the system; it is the system that eventually changes them.” – Immortal Technique

Look throughout American history. When has any REAL change occurred through elected officials? Probably never, and if so, on very microscopic scales. Real change in America has ONLY occurred as the direct result of mass movements such as the civil rights movements, women’s movements, worker movements etc.

How can elected officials change the way our government operates? How can that transpire when our very system is designed so a rich ruling class remain on top? How can this occur when our elected officials make more money than the common man? Our system is intended that large corporations make as much profit as possible and because of that they control what laws are to be made, who is going to be president etc.

Elected officials can’t change the entire system from within, not when big business and the rich elite exist. It’s wishful thinking and completely absurd to believe we can “evolve” our system.