I don't think it will go too high, but you never know. I need a couple more cd's before I get more into the rare shit. Although, I'm gonna watch this one.
if that was the case why didnt he just say "convict" ? why was black even mentioned that shouldnt even be anything to do with bad education
i couldve bet money u would jump in this thread with something like that.. u dont care what u say aslong as its against me..
explain to me why the word "aboriginal" was needed in that sentence at all ? a skin color has nothing to do with a persons situation.. anyone can be a under educated convict
instead of throwing up that great post why dont u explain to me why a race had to be mentioned next to the word convict to explain bad grammer ? why didnt he just say "convict" or even "idiot" ?
instead of throwing up that great post why dont u explain to me why a race had to be mentioned next to the word convict to explain bad grammer ? why didnt he just say "convict" or even "idiot" ?
yeh but LDS is suppose to represent the forum he a Mod right ? so he of all people on this board shouldnt be throwing these racist msgs around he suppose to be there to prevent it if he wasnt representing this forum and here for those purposes i wouldnt care