Football World Cup?????

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Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
I just read these two comments on under Mike Silver's column. One's from a guy from France and the other one is from some guy who is vying for an American team in the Football World Cup.

Has anybody ever heard of this? This is completely news to me. I'm gonna go on my lunchbreak but when I get back I'll see if I can find anything else about this.

Apparently it started in 99' in Sicily, '03 in Germany, and the '07 World Cup will be in Japan.

This is f'n sweet, we need an American team.

You wrote about a fictional U.S. football squad for a fictional World (U.S.) Football Cup. Just wake up because it already exists, and the only country that does not participate are the USA. The other biggest countries of football (Canada, Mexico, Japan and Europe) participate. I do hope the U.S. will look at it. We will surely be all blown away, but the event and football widely will benefit. I know it is difficult because football in the USA does not have a federation like we do in soccer, but hell, it would be really big to have a football World Cup like we have in soccer. And we won't be experiencing the feeling of being put away from a football elite in the USA who may consider the rest of the world insignificant for the blossoming of that sport.
-- Olivier, Paris, France

Mike, you've probably had similar emails to responding to your great article, but bear with me ... There really IS a World Cup of American Football. The first was played in Sicily in 1999 and won by Japan. In 2003 the event moved to Germany and, again, was won by Japan. In 2007 Japan will host the event. There has never been an American entry to the World Cup of American Football! In 2007, three cycles into the history of the event, there will finally be an American team participating. I'm confident your research staff will find a TON of information on this; however, I can help with the broad-strokes of the event. There are a few organizations vying for the American entry to the event. One, of course, is an organization called "Team USA Football."
-- Rudy L. Wyland, Director, Team USA Football, Washington D.C.

If the US entered a Football World Cup, who would be the starters?

QB, RB, C, G, T, TE, WR, FB, K, P, DE, DT, OLB, LB, S, CB?