Finally got to play Gears of War....

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Jul 24, 2002
Who was at the Metreon last night for the early screening of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre prequel?
Hell I was there just to get a chance to play Gears of War after the movie.

I'm just going to copy and paste from my 1up blog...

So I finally got a chance to play Gears of War....

I got to see a few minutes of the intro and the first battle sequence of the campaign mode, all on the silver screen.
I got to play a multiplayer session of 8 VS 8 team deathmatch, only (on 23" Samsung LCDs).
Unfortunately we were on one map the entire session, as well as the sessions played by everyone else.
On the graphics side, the game looks amazing as most already know.
It looks much better than ANYTHING we've previously seen on the X360, as well as anything I've seen coming out for the PS3.
The M$ guy at the show said that we were playing an "unfinished build" of the game. But what we saw was a very polished build, which you can easily mistake for the final release build.
It looked like everything was in place, from a polished campaign mode, multiplayer mode, to the title & menus screens. All the modes were there on the menu screen; campaign mode, multiplayer, join coop, join multiplayer, and achievements (no we never go to see what these achievements were).
I don't know if this has been mentioned before but there seems to be no graphical downgrade from campaign mode to multiplayer mode. All the graphical details and effects are there, in multiplay! And the frame rate is rock solid.... It might not even be 30 fps, like Halo it might just be something in between 60 fps, like say 40 fps? It's hard to tell in progressive images. The beauty of 720p is that even if a game is running at 30 fps (GRAW for example), the game still has that solid look to it as if it were running at 60 fps.
Bottom line is that the frame rate never took a dip no matter how heated the action got. (There was a total of two momentary hiccups while these other guys were playing but those were the only glitches I saw during the 1.5 hrs I was there)
As far as lag goes, I'm going to blame the hiccups I saw on lag.
That's what it looked like to me, but I could be wrong.
Nevertheless, lag was inexistent.
After all, we were playing via lan....

Next the graphics, woaw (yeah I don't use "wow", that's just too feminine for me haha)....
I know we've all seen the screen shots, even some HD video feeds. But even then, the quick glimpses you get aren't long enough to capture the atmosphere of Sera.
The game oozes with atmosphere. From the killer graphics and detailed textures, to the particle effects, the graphics along with a solid frame rate and tight controls really immerse you into this world. I hate clichés but here it is, "like never before" :)
This atmosphere carries over to the multiplayer campaign, the great draw distance and being able to see buildings afar through the dusk, the realistic lighting, the heat blur given off by your weapons, the reflective water fluidly moving in flooded areas, and the echoes of crows, this game combines all of this to make this the most atmospheric experience I have ever had in a video game.

Visuals aside, the most important thing are the controls.
Games either live or die by their controls and let me say that the controls are spot on.
Aiming is a breeze (I saw 3 levels of sensitivity, hard, medium, etc).
I can't emphasize how crucial controls are, but you never have to fight them in this game.
For a developer that's mainly worked in the PC world, Epic has console controls locked.
Bungie-like solid controls if you will :)
Now some might complain that your characters move around a bit slow.
But that's if you're expecting a run & gun experience.
This game is a tactical squad based shooter!
Yeah I learned the hard way as I'm used to playing run & gun Halo 2 style.
(I was curve stomped twice, and had my head blown off execution style once)
We've all seen the "CNN" style camera that follows you when you sprint/dash.
Yes that's right, there is no run button. The sprint/dash we've all seen is performed by holding down the A button and it works very much like a dash in fighting games. You don't run freely, you simply dash and guide your character with the left analog. This might come as a bummer to people, but again this is a tactical shooter. I have no quarrels, you'll get used to it after a few minutes of playing.
All in all, I love the tight controls and the control scheme.
They make for an easy pick up and play experience.

I could sit here and ramble for ever about how pleased I am with this game, but I'll cut it short by going into the weapons. The basic pistol is just your ordinary pistol. It can come in handy if you run out of ammo for the other weapons you're carrying. In a tactical shooter, the pistol can serve as defense.
Next you have your shotgun, your standard up and close shotgun here.
Then there's your standard machine gun which feels pretty powerful.
All weapons have their own unique melee attack, I'm sure you know this already.
The dopest weapon I tried was one that I hadn't seen before, your good old bow & arrow.
With exploding arrows that is :)
It might seem too powerful at first but there's definitely a catch to it. First reloading arrows is pretty slow.
And your aiming reticle (which is a laser beam) lunges out like a stream of water towards your target.
It even lags a bit when you move side to side, like a stream of flowing water would if you moved left or right too quickly. Oh this was my favorite weapon....
The body parts fly people! Flesh tears apart in every direction, leaving carcasses flopping around every where. Shoot someone in the head, watch it beautifully explode.
We've all heard about the ability to revive a fallen troop. If you go down, pound the A button repeatedly to keep your character from quickly bleeding to death. Hopefully a comrade gets to you in time before you step into darkness. But don't let an adversary get to you first. He can either shoot you to finish you off, or execute you by shooting you at point blank, or the very satisfying head stomp (the M$ guys were calling it the curve stomp). By the way, you get kudos for head stomps and executions ;)

Well there you have it....
I hadn't reserved this game because I have to try games before I buy them.
(blame PDZ for that)
The game was everything I was hoping for....

Oh, I managed to take a couple of pics.
One of me playing GOW (caution, don't want to scare anyone), and the other picture is of some cool swag.
An Emergence Day t-shirt, SWEEEEET!!!!

Jul 24, 2002
Yeah, that's what I said.
But then I read an article that Sony sold the Metreon to some shopping mall guru earlier this year.
They still have the Sony arcade and Playstation shop though....
Jul 24, 2002
Thanx Heresy.

Bro to get the best out of this game you're going to have to go with an HDTV.
(I just bought the latest from Samsung not long ago. Not cheap but well worth it for my gaming)
Don't get me wrong though, the game is still going to look great on a regular TV. For instance, they demo'd the game on the big screen and it looked spectacular. The projector was just running in your standard over the air 480i resolution. Plus I was gaming on a regular 480p Sony old school CRT type of TV for months and all my games looked great.
But as always, you'll get the full kick with an HDTV.
An underrated advantage of HDTV's are their widescreen feature.
Playing a game from the perspective that you play in GOW (which is identical to RE4), a widescreen TV is a must.
But you raised a good question in regards to RE4's comparison to GOW.
On RE4, the game was designed to play in cinematic widescreen format regardless of the type of TV you were playing on.
In other words, the game was in widescreen format similar to today's latest DVD movies.
I am not sure whether GOW will support widescreen for regular 4:3 tv's.

Epic and Cliffy B, the lead designer for the game is a clever guy.
He no longer posts at so I can't reach him and the question didn't even cross my mind last night. But I'm sure Cliffy's got this covered.
I mean the game plays from what Cliffy calls a "second person perspective" very similar to Resident Evil 4. So a widscreen view is a must since your character takes up a big chunk of the screen.

As far as the controls go, they're even tighter than on RE4.
To Capcom's defense, there was never any aiming in the RE series prior to RE4. So RE4 was their first shot at a free aiming system similar to other 3rd person perspective games. They did a good job overall but GOW's controls are even better. If you ever played Halo on the Xbox, they are that good in comparison to Halo, spot on.

Epic and Cliffy describe the game as a "tactical-survival horror action game".
Tactical similar to the Ghost Recon games where you're in command of your own squad. But nothing complicated here though, it's very simple.
Again the action is much slower than say Halo, and you really have to rely on cover.
So the game is basically a tactical shooter with a Resident Evil type horror theme. Yeah, it has its scary moments.
The game is very cinematic with the camera shifting during scripted scenes that randomly pop in, in the middle of the action. It's something very unique, but this is where the horror comes in.
In the beginning of the game as you're moving through an empty prison, you open a door and bam! The camera zooms in up close to show the skinned bodies of a few dead prisoners hanging from the ceiling. Very much like the skinned bodies seen in the jungle in the first Predator movie.
The game is loaded with moments like that according to Cliffy.

All in all, RE4 and GOW are too very different titles.
But from what I played, GOW will be every bit as entertaining as RE4 (which I think was the best game of 2005).

I hope that helps.

May 10, 2002
Good read Miggidy.

If you don't mind me asking a few questions -

What model Samsung do you have?

Is it LCD, DLP, or Plasma?

Do you play Halo 2 online? Any lag? <--- This is my biggest concern

I'm doing all of this research for a new TV just to make sure I don't get stuck with a lemon lol.

Jul 24, 2002

I got the Samsung LN-S3251D.
It's a 32" LCD and you can find more info here (they have both larger and smaller sets in that model).
Hell you might even find my mini-review haha:,__17646061

I bought it when it first came out this past May and dropped around $1,400.00 for it. But as you can see from the link above, you can now buy it online for as low as $1,125.99
I'll say right off the back that Samsung owns LCD. Forget Sony's over priced junk. You want the best picture in LCD, get a Sammy.
You can get their latest model, which is the LNS series.
Mine runs at 720p, but Samsung just dropped their 40" 1080p set,
the LN-S4096D.
Yeah this is their top of the line set (unless you wanna go for the 52"), but it's going to cost you well over $2,000
I should mention that Samsung consulted with Microsoft when developing the LNS series. In fact, the Samsung LNS series of LCD's is what Microsoft recommends for the Xbox 360. These TV's even have a "Game mode" feature that enhances the picture for video gaming.
(By the way, you can get their previous series, the LNR which are a lot cheaper and still offer great picture quality)

If you want something cheaper than the Sammy stuff, go with Sharp as a second option, and or Panasonic as a third option.
They are cheaper but still have great picture quality.
The black levels aren't as dark as the Sammy's but the overall picture quality is still good.

Plasma's are another thing.
They have better black and white levels than LCDs but they are bulkier, are prone to burn in images, and most are projection sets that have bulbs. Bulbs very much like regular projection TV's and the new DLP HDTVs.
I didn't go with plasmas because they are known to have shorter life spans than any other HDTV type there is out there.

DLP sets offer the best picture bar none!
But they are projection TV's nonetheless. So this means they have these internal bulbs that eventually die and will need to be replaced.
I hear this is no longer a problem because new generation bulbs can often times out live the TV set alone.
Of coarse DLP's are bulky.
And the main thing that I don't like about them is that even though they offer the best picture, they have shitty viewing angles.
You have to be sitting directly in front of it or else the picture will look faded.
Not only that but you can't be sitting too low, or standing too high.
Many people are ok with this since they typically use these TV's for a home theater set up. You know with one viewing couch directly in front of the TV set. Hell man, what about company, what if I wanna sit on the floor?
That's my personal issue I guess....

I would suggest that you hit every TV dealer out there and sample every HDTV set before you make a purchase.
Go out there and look at these sets with your own eyes.
I took like a full month of research before I bought my Sammy LCD.
From personal experience, Samsung delivers the best HDTV's whether its via LCD, Plasma, or DLP....

Have fun man....

PS.... Here's the best bargain for a 1080p LCD if you're in the market for HD.
If you know your HD 101, 1080p is the maximun resolution around.
It's a Westinghouse, a little known brand but very reliable (they basically use the same parts that big name brands use for their HD sets).
It's a 37" 1080p LCD for as low as $1,260.11,__18577153/sort_type=bottomline
Apr 25, 2002
I recently bought a 46'' Samsung LCD Flat Panel with 1080p and 6000:1 contrast ratio. It cost fuckin' $3400 but it was well worth it. The picture is off the hinges......
May 4, 2002
damn this game looks tight, it looks like kill switch.... in the first google video i watched , during the game "fuck " and "shit " were used. but during another video at E3 "crap" was used, is this game edited for language content?? is this game coming out on pc anytime in the future??
Jul 24, 2002
I'm not sure about the game being censored but I do know that it will be rated "M" and profanity's still a big part of the game.

As far as the game coming out for PC's, Microsoft owns the publishing rights to the game even though Epic developed the game.
I guess there's a slight chance that the game might come out for the PC eventually since even Halo made it to the PC.
But don't expect it to come out any time soon, if it does it will probably be 2 or 3 years from now. (By that time GOW2 will already be out for the X360)
Jul 24, 2002