hmm, to be honest with you, im still young, im only 17 but i been through alot, i would consider myself to be on a totally different level then other 17 yearolds around me, sometimes i struggle to figure out what i really want out of life and where im really going in life, i know i wanna be somewhere successful yet i cant help but make decisions sometimes that set me back, i look at it though that as long as you accept and learn from the consquences of your decisions you can never truly make the wrong one, as for me, ive straightened up a little bit, when i got caught up slangin n got kicked outta skool n lost my job that was all bad, prolly the lowest point in my life, but i bounced back and i still got my head high through all the bullshit (im talkin in general lifes bullshit) and now its been about 6 months or so, i still havent smoked a blunt, ive been tempted but i replaced it with working out, right now thats my passion i love working out, i been at it for a good 4 1/2 months, and it keeps me on track pretty well, so i guess what im sayin is if you find your self struggling with a problem, replace it with somthing you love doing to take that time up when you would find yourself getting into situations that will only set you back further. To be honest i dont even really like to drink anymore, i mean i still kick it with my homies but i dont drink as much anymore, maybe once a month or so, just because i feel it sets me back in my goals for working out and in general period, both drugs and alchohol take my money, and affect my body in a negative way, the day after drinking i feel i cant lift as much and it pisses me off, my body feels weaker, so for me i like to feel strong and be at my top, emotionally and physically, and both of those substances fuck with it, but im not saying i wont ever smoke a blunt or drink again, im just saying for the most part, yeah i struggle with temptation to do it, but i realize what means more to me and thats my goals to succeed and be somewhere, i already gave up almost 3 years of my life to drinking,weed and other bullshit and for wat? wat the fuck do i gotta show for it? i made like 3G's last year and i dont got shit to show for that money, now im trying to save up for my car and i got about 750-850$ saved up, thats my other goal right now and ill tell ya wat when i think about shit like that it only makes me glad that im still not wastin "the majority" of my money on bullshit like drinking n drugz, kus theres a whole bigger picture to this life out there, and if you give up now due to bullshit like that you wont ever see it. So i leave you with this final word, realize what you want out of life and dont let anything fuckin stop you from getting there, especially not no punk ass bullshit like a substance