Please forgive me, this is the time when children die...The moment u look up & see cloud covered skies...The sorrow that surrounds lost souls is there still...I experinced the pain first hand, so i know how u feel...Its like a dream come true, wondering why it happened to you...A world that only exsist in the teardrops of'a few...So close to the edge, with a noose on my neck...I'd wash the blade, but i rather it linger & slowly infect...Ears poppin from pressure, its a battle i can't win...& whas sad is im not ready for the track to bend...No friends, & noone promising to be there inda end...Standing wit'a string & key, catching the kites, angels send...Id give you my world if i could, then you'd get it...Not vented, just rented, fucked over without a conscience thought of being innocent...Relise one-thing, some-thing-must-ring, for eyes to be mistrust-ing & lies to be so disgust-ing...& after it all...nothing left it like you did, the sting when i awoke from the dream...
My infection, my souls objection, no protection, the obbsession...So cold, all alone without my soul & at the end of road wita loaded weapon...Im just guessin, this was the last lesson, puased wita erection, misguided in the wrong direction...My confession, standing at the end of the world wita teardrop &'a loaded weapon
My infection, my souls objection, no protection, the obbsession...So cold, all alone without my soul & at the end of road wita loaded weapon...Im just guessin, this was the last lesson, puased wita erection, misguided in the wrong direction...My confession, standing at the end of the world wita teardrop &'a loaded weapon