Family race issues

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Mar 18, 2003
This is mainly aimed towards the "black" folks on this board, but can be applied toward peoples of any color. It is because black-white relations are most sensative that I even aim this thread.

If and when you have children, and they decide to favor a different culture, specifically that of some caucasian origin, are you going try and defer or halt their lifestyle, or let them be who they want to be?

Supposing your first born son at the age of 12 starts listening to heavy metal, takes up skateboarding, and starts wearing clothing lines such as Independant, American Eagle, etc. What are your sentiments?

Brutal honesty is prefered.

I see a lot of people making fun of "wiggaz" on this board, which I understand. I mean shit, they -ARE- funny. But what if it was your own child?

My thoughts later.
Jun 27, 2003
Hmm this topic is interesting to me because I'm mixed actually. I'm half korean and my father is mostly white. It's funny tho cuz growin up I was never considered "white" but I always listened to rap as well as 80s metal and shiet like that. But whenever my homies was around and I was playing that music or some shit they always say "stop actin white" like wtf???

As for me, I wouldn't want my kids doing that kinda shit cuz ppl like that always been the ppl that call me "chink" or "beaner" cuz most ppl think I'm hispanic. I listen to metal and all kinds of music as well as rap so I'd be straight wit that... some of my black homies even be bumpin Metallica and shit like that so it's all gravvy. Shit's funny tho cuz my pops grew up in East LA but he's pretty much a typical white guy as far as how he acts and shit like that. Most of my homies is either Asian or Hispanic and I kick it wit a few blacks so we don't relate at all really. I think this topic is a lot more interesting if it's aimed towards interracial families cuz you don't really have a racial identity. I'd be interested to see how black folks feel if they kid was half white cuz then how are you "acting white" if your'e half white nah mean?
Apr 25, 2002
But see peoples styles and taste are dictated by what they grow up around. Urban lyfestle isnt a Black thing its an urban thing. Like when i see black dudes from the suburbs try to be gangsta i jsut laugh cuz they are wiggers in thier own right. I know some white guys who grew up in some rough ass urban areas and were very infulanced by violence and hip hop/rap culture. So of course they will be all thuggish, and wearing what they grew up with and knowing what thier style is. Rasing a kid isnt about like "the music they listen to, the way they dress" they will be induviduals. Its about instilling family values and basic values of socity. thats my $0.02
Jan 2, 2003
KleanKut said:
But see peoples styles and taste are dictated by what they grow up around. Urban lyfestle isnt a Black thing its an urban thing. Like when i see black dudes from the suburbs try to be gangsta i jsut laugh cuz they are wiggers in thier own right. I know some white guys who grew up in some rough ass urban areas and were very infulanced by violence and hip hop/rap culture. So of course they will be all thuggish, and wearing what they grew up with and knowing what thier style is. Rasing a kid isnt about like "the music they listen to, the way they dress" they will be induviduals. Its about instilling family values and basic values of socity. thats my $0.02
fo sho..good ponts...u r definately a product of ur a white kid in the ghetto shouldnt be called a wigger...

im actauilly a product of an "interracial" mom is white and my dad is mexican....but its like my dad isnt from mexico..hes like 2nd of 3rd gen american!....I have TEX-MEX heritage more then straight MEXICO family history( tho i do have some) hes not a straight up mexican (LOL, i guess)....but u can defiantely tell hes influenced my a mexican even has triclked down to us kids....

i LOVE the fact that i have another culture to be aprt of or learn cuz i like it better then american culture......

@Jae Ill....MAYNE!!! i said im mexican/white....but NO ONE EVER COPNSIDERED ME WHITE...same situation....but then mexicans will be like ur aint mexican...u dont even speak spanish...and blah blah brown/tan outwardly i appear not really white...
Mar 2, 2005
I myself am also mixed... I am the product of a Cuban mother and a Chicano father. I mostly tend to lean towards my Cuban roots tho, because i was only raised by my mother. I have never had trouble fitting in, I grew up in a neighborhood that is 99% chicano, and they all accepted me as " one of their own " . It probably helped to that i am not as dark complected as my mother lol. I am fully aware, and proud of my mexican heritage, even though my father wasnt around to raise me. Growing up i mostly hanged around with the thugs, i was never into gang bangin tho, but i did slang dank from 13-17 until i got caught :(
Jan 2, 2003
RGE_88 said:
I myself am also mixed... I am the product of a Cuban mother and a Chicano father. I mostly tend to lean towards my Cuban roots tho, because i was only raised by my mother. I have never had trouble fitting in, I grew up in a neighborhood that is 99% chicano, and they all accepted me as " one of their own " . It probably helped to that i am not as dark complected as my mother lol. I am fully aware, and proud of my mexican heritage, even though my father wasnt around to raise me. Growing up i mostly hanged around with the thugs, i was never into gang bangin tho, but i did slang dank from 13-17 until i got caught :(
DAMN RGE_88!!!...i knew sumone who was also cuban/chicano....and he was into that "che" stuff too....haha...weird coincidence
Jun 27, 2003
AGENT707 said:
@Jae Ill....MAYNE!!! i said im mexican/white....but NO ONE EVER COPNSIDERED ME WHITE...same situation....but then mexicans will be like ur aint mexican...u dont even speak spanish...and blah blah brown/tan outwardly i appear not really white...

Haha, werd.. funny thing is hella Korean ppl try to say "oh well you aint a REAL Korean" but the fact is I know more about Korean history and can speak better Korean than most of em... Aint that sad? Yet they the foos making those shitty rap songs about "AZN PRYDE NIGGUH" when they have no idea what pride is.

Anyway, back to the topic: in addition to klean kut's response, yeaa that whole gangsta thing is URBAN culture. The fact that some people actually want to call that "black" culture is kind of weird cuz then you're saying that black culture is all about being poor and being a thug for the rest of your life? How is that shit uplifting? Again, I aint black, but I wouldn't wanna teach my kids that our culture was about poverty and crime ynah mean? That's what the media wants you to think, that's how the people in charge can keep passing legislation to keep people of color down as long as the world feels that crime is their culture. It's kinda different for Asians cuz most blacks and Mexicans say that we're the "white minority". I personally feel that Asians get a lot more shit tho cuz even look at that HOT 97 bullshit wit their tsunami song did anybody give a fuck??? No, but if sum station went on air making a song about some shit that happened in africa talking about "niggers and africamen" that shit would not fly. At the same time white folks hold hella prejudices over Asians; my mom be talking about that shit all the time in her workplace but there's nothing to be done cuz Asians do not have any kind of representation in American culture. I say us and Hispanics have the same situation as far as representation in the media. We don't have any of it. Sure, you have Connie Chung and shit but how many tv shows and shit are actually aimed towards the Asian audiences???

As for raising your kids and teaching em culture, best thing to do is make sure they know WHO they are and WHERE they come from. For me, I would want to teach them all about the Japanese oppression of our people, the wars with the Chinese and so forth. I'd teach them about all our internal conflicts and how the US hella fucked us over and helped create our brothers to the north. Nah mean, I wouldn't want them to be "bananas" but I dont want my kids to be gangstas neither cuz the Asian community don't need no more of that bullshit. Too many people from my generation don't really understand true Asian pride and have no respect for their culture or their language. So, I think that people should cultivate their children and have them focus on the POSTIVE aspects of their culture rather than try to make them gangstas you feel me?
Jun 27, 2003
Ey bro, isn't that statement a contradiction?
that's the point I was trynna make. Asian kids of my generation have no idea what pride means; you can probably make a generalization that ALL kids of my generation regardless of race have no idea what pride means. Get it?


Apr 25, 2002
If and when you have children, and they decide to favor a different culture, specifically that of some caucasian origin, are you going try and defer or halt their lifestyle, or let them be who they want to be?

I had this convo with one of my brothers last week and I'll give you some insight as to what I would do. I would raise my kids to stay away from the "american" (main stream) culture. Don't be a follower, don't be a mindless sheep, don't place emphasis on tangibles and never look at a persons "worth" by what they own. I would halt their lifestyle if the lifestyle was "life threatening" to them, my family and others. Gangs, drugs, premarital/unprotected sex, crime and laziness are all life threatening. Life threatening is also a lack of relationship with the CREATOR and thats something I would base my child raising principles on.

I would hope they would want to learn from other cultures and not just from mine. They would get enough "NIGGER" or "NIGGA" or "BLACKNESS" from me. IMHO one of the best ways WE can ease racial tension in the world (especially babylon) is if we actually take the TIME to LEARN about other cultures. Learning about (and from) other cultures will allow you to understand others, which will lead to having something in common with them. Learning about other cultures will also allow you to learn about yourself. I like the japanese culture, I'm fascinated by japanese swords, bushido, anime, manga and ancient japanese warfare. Learning about the culture and the people allowed me to learn of the african presence in japan such as Sakanouye Tamuramaro and Aoshima. Now does all this mean I will visit a geisha or commit hari kiri/seppuku with mcleanhatch as my second/kaishaku? No. Does this mean I'll eat sushi? Nope.

Supposing your first born son at the age of 12 starts listening to heavy metal, takes up skateboarding, and starts wearing clothing lines such as Independant, American Eagle, etc. What are your sentiments?

I have a nephew in san diego who is into skateboarding (he's in a couple of mags and videos) and he just hit 12. He doesn't listen to Heavy metal but he does listen to some alternative. He's more of a jazz guy because thats pretty much all my brother listens to. My brother is from "the streets". My brother has hustled in "the streets" and my brother was almost killed in "the streets" but he doesn't force "the streets" on my nephew. My brother was also into sports but he didn't force his son to play sports like he did. What he did was force him to educate himself and force him to excell at what he likes which is skateboarding. If the child has a genuine interest in it why not steer them in that direction? Riding a skateboard or listening to metal does not make one white or black. It doesn't make one a sellout or uncle tom (a term that is misused 99.99999999999% of the time) and if I saw/heard occult symbolism/influence in the skateboarding or music I would tell them to avoid it.

If my child came home singing a rap joint and said "I copped a zip blah blah blah" I would ask him if he knew what he was talking about. If he didn't I would sit him down and explain what a zip was and where a zip could lead you. If he already knew what it was I'd ask him how he felt about it. I wouldn't accuse him nor would I be his friend. I'd be his PARENT...which is something most people DON'T have today. Would I teach him how to rock,break and cut? Nope but I would teach him to have street smarts, common sense/mother wit and book smarts. Both sides of the coin and all aspects of the game.

Proverbs 22:6

Jul 18, 2002
@ HERESY, good ass points dogg.

In my case, I would follow a similar path, and teach my kids about all cultures, but never instill too much pride in them about their own culture, because you know what pride does to humans (peep the quote below)

"...The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride fucking with you. Fuck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.. " - Marcellus Wallace < Pulp Fiction >

I feel that quote to the fullest, because pride and ego is what creates racial tension, or even caste systems in this world, so I say FUCC pride.

My last and most important belief is, that the SOUL cannot and should not be bound or limited to any social cultures of this world, once we limit ourselves in terms of culture or any other specification, we have put ourselves inside an enclosure that we cannot release ourselves from.