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May 19, 2004
I just went 2 lowprofilerecords.com 2 c wut they were up 2 since i always c scraps goin 2 speedyloc.com , anywayz i saw this shit they doin/sellin . theyre own instrumentals ina cd er some shit, i dunno if theyre new beats er 4rm old songs, then they let fools buy their shit n rap over it n send it back 2 the label {thats wut im assumin} . n sign ppl that have good shit .

i dunno bout u guys but i think it b pretty tight if our labels started doin shit like that, we'd get more artist 4rm all over northern cali, the bad thing bout it would b fools that cant rap 4 shit would b sendin their stuff n annoy the labels, but i dunno i guess the idea goes both ways, wut ya'll think ?
May 19, 2004
i thought a mixtape was artists rappin over any beats ? i was sayin they put the beats their label makes er their production team ina cd , sell it like any other cd . lett the ppl who bought it rap over it n send it back in 2 lowprofile 2 find ppl 2 sign 2 the label , like a demo i guess .
Jul 25, 2003
mixtapes arent that dope though imo...i would rather hear an artist put time into an album of all original music...including the beats.....any1 can do a mixtape....n i think we kno from looking at the flooded mixtape market all over the country.....