evidence the CIA planned to bring down Chavez Frias' airplane

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May 13, 2002
Posted: Sunday, September 21, 2003
By: Roy S. Carson

Venezuelan Military Intelligence says overwhelming evidence the CIA planned to bring down Chavez Frias' airplane en route to United Nations in New York

Venezuelan President
Hugo Chavez Frias

Details behind the sudden decision to cancel President Hugo Chavez Frias' next-week trip to Washington D.C. and New York (to deliver a speech to the United Nations) are being revealed by security services who say they have "overwhelming evidence" of a CIA-backed plan to "bring down" the Chavez Frias' airplane during the scheduled flight to the United States from Caracas. Sources in Venezuela's Military Intelligence Directorate (DIM) have told VHeadline.com that "presented with overwhelming evidence of Washington's planned attack on the Presidential flight, it was decided that the President's personal security was preeminent and that he should not go!"

State Security & Political (DISIP) police agents were involved in a gun battle in Plaza Altamira Friday night as they moved to detain a suspect now named as Jorge Rojas Riera, for the Friday morning bombing at the Casa Militar barracks, across Avenida Urdaneta from the Miraflores Presidential Palace. It is reported that President Hugo Chavez Frias was working at his desk when the 1:00 a.m. blast went off but that his life had never been put in danger as many gleeful wire-service reporters had immediately cabled to their North American publishers.

Venezuelan President
Hugo Chavez Frias

Reports say that some 60 DISIP and National Guard (GN) officers were able to take the suspect into custody but only after a skirmish with opposition-controlled Chacao municipal police officers and gunmen identified as former army officers who had been dismissed the service after they participated in the April 11, 2002, coup d'etat. Police say Rojas Riera was detained after officers were forced to use an electronic stun gun to capture and 'cuff him. Little is known of the detainee other than that he has been identified having been employed at Plaza Altamira as a "security agent" by opposition organizers ... meanwhile he has told interrogators that he acted independently in the Friday morning's grenade attack.

Rebel army officer Felix Moreno was reportedly wounded in an exchange of gunfire. Chacao Mayor Leopoldo Lopez says part of the blame has to be laid on DISIP agents who did not identify themselves ... he says they arrived to Plaza Altamira just before midnight and were heavily armed but were not in uniform. "there was a lot of running-around and another gun-battle close to Torre Britanica (south of Avenida Francisco Miranda) in which a DISIP wagon was overturned.

May 8, 2002
look this man is not in hiding, so if washington wanted him dead he would be dead. obviously people are speculating and talking out of their asses, if this were true their would be a mass outcry of negativity towards the USA from other major countries especially the ones in Europe named France and Germany.
May 13, 2002
^^^^Hmmm, did I write the article?

I think its pretty big news when Hugo Chavez and the rest of Venezuela accuse bush or the CIA of a assissination attempt.

Personally, I support Chavez and I definately think this article is post-worthy material considering how many lives the CIA is responsible of taking over the last 40 years.
Mar 15, 2003
You support anything anti-American. You're similar to the average American who votes either Republican or Democrat no matter how shitty the candidate is. The U.S./CIA simply stating they dislike Chavez is reason enough for you to support him.

This from your Google search:

'In early March the head of U.S. Southern Command, Gen. James Hill, named Venezuela's Margarita Island, along with South America's "triple border area," as a base for Islamic terror groups. Venezuelans in the opposition also have tesitmony -- although they say there is still no clear proof -- that the Venezuelan government is giving passports to Middle Eastern visitors so they can go to Margarita and run financial operations to fund
Middle Eastern terrorism.

In the Feb. 14 issue of Insight Magazine Martin Arostegui wrote about a variety of reports around the country of Libyans, Iraqis and Cubans arriving under VIP government cover. "Government agents tried to use Air Force planes to fly five of Saddam Hussein's agents into the interior of the country. Military pilots requested special clearances before allowing the Iraqis onto the C-130s."

Mr. Sosa-Azpurua says that the Iraqis now provide scholarships to Venezuelans for the purposes of "indoctrination." For some time, Cuban "educators" have been fanning out around the country to expand their ideas in Venezuela's public schools.
In all the evidence suggests that the Cubans, the Libyans, and the Iraqis are mostly interested in providing Mr. Chavez the military, intelligence and educational tools to convert his government into a despotic regime and a strong ally.

It was not surprising that Mr. Chavez appealed for additions to the "Group of Friends" negotiating team that is trying to find a democratic solution to the political crisis in Venezuela. His candidates were Russia, Cuba, China and anti-American France.
Washington has been divided for some time on the subject of Mr. Chavez.

Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd, who for years has professed to be a Latin American "expert," has defended Mr. Chavez's right to remain in power on grounds that he was democratically elected. Bush officials have meanwhile questioned his legitimacy because of his many constitutional violations, including brutality against dissidents.

Shit...overthrow the motherfucker.
May 13, 2002
"You support anything anti-American. You're similar to the average American who votes either Republican or Democrat no matter how shitty the candidate is. The U.S./CIA simply stating they dislike Chavez is reason enough for you to support him.
Yeah, you sure nailed it on the head there! I'm sure it would have NOTHING to do with his political views!

You will also find this on that same search:
As for the events currently taking place in Venezuela, items #2 and #7 mentioned in the previous installment of this essay may allude to why the Bush administration quickly endorsed the failed military-led coup of Hugo Chavez in April 2002. Although the coup collapsed after 2 days, various reports suggest the CIA and a rather embarrassed Bush administration approved and may have been actively involved with the civilian/military coup plotters.

"George W. Bush's administration was the failed coup's primary loser, underscoring its bankrupt hemispheric policy. Now it is slowly filtering out that in recent months White House officials met with key coup figures, including Carmona. Although the administration insists that it explicitly objected to any extra-constitutional action to remove Chavez, comments by senior U.S. officials did little to convey this. . . .

"The CIA's role in a 1971 Chilean strike could have served as the working model for generating economic and social instability in order to topple Chavez. In the truckers' strike of that year, the agency secretly orchestrated and financed the artificial prolongation of a contrived work stoppage in order to economically asphyxiate the leftist Salvador Allende government.

"This scenario would have had CIA operatives acting in liaison with the Venezuelan military, as well as with opposition business and labor leaders, to convert a relatively minor afternoon-long work stoppage by senior management into a nearly successful coup de grâce." [11]

Interestingly, according to an article by Michael Ruppert, Venezuelan's ambassador Francisco Mieres-Lopez apparently floated the idea of switching to the euro as their oil currency standard approximately one year before the failed coup attempt.

Furthermore, there is evidence that the CIA is still active in its attempts to overthrow the democratically elected Chavez administration. In fact, this past December a Uruguayan government official exposed the ongoing covert CIA operations in Venezuela:

"Uruguayan EP-FA congressman Jose Nayardi says he has information that far-reaching plan have been put into place by the CIA and other North American intelligence agencies to overthrow Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias within the next 72 hours. . . .

Nayardi says he has received copies of top-secret communications between the Bush administration in Washington and the government of Uruguay requesting the latter's cooperation to support white collar executives and trade union activists to 'break down levels of intransigence within the Chavez Frias administration.'" [12]

Venezuela is the fourth largest producer of oil, and the corporate elites whose political power runs unfettered in the Bush/Cheney oligarchy appear interested in privatizing Venezuela's oil industry. Furthermore, the establishment might be concerned that Chavez's 'barter deals' with 12 Latin American countries and Cuba are effectively cutting the U.S. dollar out of the vital oil transaction currency cycle. Commodities are being traded among these countries in exchange for Venezuela's oil, thereby reducing reliance on fiat dollars. If these unique oil transactions proliferate, they could create more devaluation pressure on the dollar. Continuing attempts by the CIA to remove Hugo Chavez appear likely.

The U.S. economy has acquired significant structural imbalances, including our record-high trade account deficit (now almost 5% of GDP), a $6.3 trillion dollar deficit (60% of GDP), and the recent return to annual budget deficits in the hundreds of billions. These are factors that would devalue the currency of any nation under the 'old rules.' Why is the dollar still predominant despite these structural flaws? The elites understand that the strength of the dollar does not merely rest on our economic output per se. The dollar posses two unique advantages relative to all other hard currencies.

The reality is that the strength of the dollar since 1945 rests on its being the international reserve currency. Thus it assumes the role of fiat currency for global oil transactions (ie. 'petro-dollar'). The U.S. prints hundreds of billions of these fiat petro-dollars, which are then used by nation states to purchase oil/energy from OPEC producers (except Iraq, to some degree Venezuela, and perhaps Iran in the near future). These petro-dollars are then re-cycled from OPEC back into the U.S. via Treasury Bills or other dollar-denominated assets such as U.S. stocks, real estate, etc.

You will also find this:
"In April last year, Chávez was briefly overthrown by a military coup that the Bush administration initially welcomed. The coup was preceded by the traditional hallmarks of a Washington-sponsored regime change, including increased U.S. funding to opposition groups and high-level meetings between U.S. officials and key people involved in the coup."

How about this google search http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=bush+coup+chavez
Jul 7, 2002
April 14, 2002

The CIA and the Venezuela Coup
Hugo Chavez: A Servant Not Knowing his Place
by William Blum
source: http://www.counterpunch.org/blum0414.html

How do we know that the CIA was behind the coup that overthrew Hugo Chavez?

Same way we know that the sun will rise tomorrow morning. That's what it's always done and there's no reason to think that tomorrow morning will be any different.

Consider Chavez's crimes:

Branding the US attacks on Afghanistan as "fighting terrorism with terrorism", he demanded an end to "the slaughter of innocents"; holding up photographs of children killed in the American bombing attacks, he said their deaths had "no justification, just as the attacks in New York did not, either." In response, the Bush administration temporarily withdrew its ambassador.

Being very friendly with Fidel Castro and selling oil to Cuba at discount rates.

His defense minister asking the permanent US military mission in Venezuela to vacate its offices in the military headquarters in Caracas, saying its presence was an anachronism from the cold war.

Not cooperating to Washington's satisfaction with the US war against the Colombian guerrillas.

Denying Venezuelan airspace to US counter-drug flights.

Refusing to provide US intelligence agencies with information on Venezuela's large Arab community.

Questioning the sanctity of globalization.

Promoting a regional free-trade bloc and united Latin American petroleum operations as a way to break free from US economic dominance.

Visiting Sadaam Hussein in Iraq and Moammar Gaddafy in Libya.

And more in the same vein which the Washington aristocracy is unaccustomed to encountering from the servant class.

The United States has endeavored to topple numerous governments for a whole lot less.

The Washington Post reported from Venezuela on April 13: "Members of the country's diverse opposition had been visiting the U.S. Embassy here in recent weeks, hoping to enlist U.S. help in toppling Chavez. The visitors included active and retired members of the military, media leaders and opposition politicians.

"The opposition has been coming in with an assortment of 'what ifs'," said a U.S. official familiar with the effort. "What if this happened? What if that happened? What if you held it up and looked at it sideways? To every scenario we say no. We know what a coup looks like, and we won't support it."

Right. They won't support a coup. So what happens when a coup occurs which they want to support? Simple. They don't call it a coup. They call it a "change of government" and say that Chavez was ousted "as a result of the message of the Venezuelan people." Veritable grass-roots democracy it was.

Opposition legislators were also brought to Washington in recent months, including at least one delegation sponsored by the International Republican Institute, an integral part of the National Endowment for Democracy, long used by the CIA for covert operations abroad.

Overthrowing a man such as Hugo Chavez, guilty of such transgressions, was a duty so "natural" for the CIA that the only reason it might not have been intimately involved in the operation would be that the Agency had been secretly disbanded.

William Blum is the author of Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II and "Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower" Blum can be reached at: [email protected]
May 13, 2002

Chavez Believes He's a Terrorist Target

Thursday September 25, 2003 4:29 AM


Associated Press Writer

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez demanded Wednesday that the United States crack down on Cuban and Venezuelan ``terrorists'' allegedly training in Florida to kill him.

In a combative speech sure to strain U.S. ties, Chavez also lambasted President Bush for invading Iraq and dismissed Bush's plea at the United Nations for help in Iraqi reconstruction.

``Who gave the United States government the right to bomb cities, invade countries, overthrow governments?'' Chavez said. ``No one gave this right to the United States government. And here, we will keep saying that.''

Chavez was supposed to attend the U.N. summit on terrorism earlier this week in New York but said he canceled because of an alleged plot to kill him.

Chavez said he recently gave U.S. Ambassador Charles S. Shapiro a Florida newspaper article reporting that Cuban exile militias were training with Venezuelan armed forces exiles to kill Chavez.

He didn't identify the newspaper article but said he was still waiting for an answer from Washington.

U.S. Embassy spokeswoman Victoria Alvarado told The Associated Press that in November 2002, Chavez gave Shapiro an article on the subject published by a Venezuelan newspaper.

The information immediately was provided to the U.S. State Department and U.S. law enforcement, Alvarado said.

``We are in regular contact with the foreign ministry and Venezuelan security forces and we would welcome any information the Venezuelan government has on this issue because we take terrorist and criminal acts very seriously,'' Alvarado said.

Chavez was elected president in 1998 and re-elected in 2000. He once angered Washington by visiting Saddam Hussein and claims the United States was involved in a brief 2002 coup in Venezuela - but has yet to offer public proof.

Washington was slow to condemn the Venezuela coup.

Chavez has accused Washington of supporting Venezuela's opposition in a campaign for a recall vote on his presidency. The United States, Spain and other nations say such a vote could be the best way to defuse Venezuela's volatile political crisis. But Chavez told the AP last week he believed that legal and logistical obstacles made a recall vote unlikely before the next scheduled presidential elections in 2006.

As the recall campaign heats up, Chavez has stepped up his denunciations of alleged coup plots against his ``revolutionary'' government. He repeatedly accuses Washington of interfering in Venezuelan affairs. Adding to tensions, a bomb exploded last week inside the presidential compound. Chavez blamed coup plotters.

On Wednesday, he accused the United States and Spain, which supported the Iraq invasion, of engaging in a permanent campaign against his leftist government - and took a dig at Bush, saying Bush defeated Democrat Al Gore with ``strong evidence of fraud.''

``But that's not our problem,'' Chavez said. ``The government of the United States should worry about its problems. It has plenty. And we Venezuelans will solve our own problems.''

Venezuela is a top oil supplier to the United States. Chavez's government has said it will guarantee those supplies despite political differences.