Ethiopians Migrating Into Israel

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Jan 9, 2004
Israel hastens Ethiopia migration

The Israeli government has announced plans to bring the last 20,000 members of Ethiopia's Falash Mura community to Israel by the end of 2007.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has decided to double the monthly rate of immigration to 600 people.

As Mr Sharon met Immigration Minister Tzipi Livni, members of the Falash Mura protested in front of his office.

The demonstrators demanded that relatives be allowed to join them in Israel immediately.

The Falash Mura say they are descended from Ethiopian Jews forced to convert to Christianity in the 19th Century.

Upon arrival in Israel, the Falash Mura undergo conversion to Judaism, after which they are entitled to all the benefits of new immigrants under the Law of Return.

Poorest in society

The immigration of the Falash Mura has been controversial in Israel.

It is alleged that some Ethiopians are claiming to be Falash Mura in the hope of being allowed into Israel where they can expect a far higher standard of living.

During the mid-1980s and early 1990s thousands of Ethiopian Jews were airlifted to Israel. More than 80,000 now live in Israel and they are one of the poorest sections of society.

According to the Jewish Agency, a quasi-governmental body that manages immigration to Israel and the settlement of immigrants, it costs the state an average of about $100,000 to bring over and settle each Falash Mura immigrant.

Since the early 1990s, members of the Falash Mura have been gathering in holding camps in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, awaiting permission to come to Israel.

Conditions at the camps are believed to be very difficult.

Ethiopian immigrants settled in Israel have called for the speeding up of immigration because of what they see as the suffering of their relatives.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2005/02/01 10:55:19 GMT
Jul 10, 2002
THE messiah is the/will be the leader/King of the Jews, so yes King David was a messiah in that sense, however how are any of us in a position to declare if he was annointed or not?

Pardon my grammitcal err, should've put 'THE' instead of 'a' in my original post...

and saying European Jews=false Jews is like saying Tartars(i.e Mongolian) Muslims=False Muslims

back to thread topic---Very tight movement...
Jul 24, 2002
Yeshua=Emmanuel=God With Us

I've been talkin to some Jewish cats about their blood ties to the original Jews and they mentioned something about that most of todays Jews have the same Y chromosome. Which says that they are related, however this cat didn't elaborate how this Y chromosome is tied to the original Jews.

Jomodo, do you know anything about this?


Apr 25, 2002
@Migg you can talk to them all day long but they are not HEBREW people. They maybe "jewish" by upbringing or religion but they are NOT semetic and have NEVER been semetic. If these so called "jews" of today are in fact HEBREWS which tribe do they trace to? You can be a "jew" by BLOOD based on ancestry tracing to JUDAH/YEHUDIM. Thsi is where you get the word "JEW". You can be "jewish" if your mother is jewish or through conversion which differs from sect to sect.

BTW I don't believe the y chromosome thing. I've encountered it before and I label it as zionist propaganda. Do you recall the thread from like a year ago mig? Dig it up and read it. EVERYONE who can be traced to the tribe of JUDAH is HEBREW. Everyone who is HEBREW can NOT be traced to JUDAH.

@Jmodo you said this:

THE messiah is the/will be the leader/King of the Jews, so yes King David was a messiah in that sense, however how are any of us in a position to declare if he was anointed or not?

If you ask ANY rabbi if David was annointed they will tell you YES. How are you in a position to say if Yeshua was the meshiach when you don't even know the correct meaning of the word?

Pardon my grammitcal err, should've put 'THE' instead of 'a' in my original post...

It doesn't matter how you spin it. You can use "THE" or "wiefnyi9835t7wy4i" but the facts remain the same. MESSIAH=ANOINTED.

and saying European Jews=false Jews is like saying Tartars(i.e Mongolian) Muslims=False Muslims

I say they are false based on two things:

1. They have no historical or biological evidence linking them to HEBREW/SEMETIC people. What they do have is history and biological evidence linking them to the KHAIZERS of RUSSIA.

2. They don't practice the teachings of Moses. They practice TALMUDISM and KABBALISM (the second is thought later in life usually around the age of 40 on up but depending on the sect)

So no they are NOT "jew" by religion NOR are they jew by bloodline. Now ask any "jew" what tribe they trace to and let's see if they can tell you. After that ask that so called jew about THE BALFOUR AGREEMENT and see if he can explain it. After that ask the so called jew why the "jews" wanted UGANDA or ARGENTINA for their HOME?


Apr 25, 2002
I know there are Mexican Jews, are they true jews or false ones?
Do the practice what moses taught? Do they trace to one of the tribes? Are they SEMETIC? If the answer to all three questions are no , I'll go ahead and say no.

EVERYONE who can be traced to the tribe of JUDAH is HEBREW. Everyone who is HEBREW can NOT be traced to JUDAH.
Jan 9, 2004
YOuNg WiNo said:
there speculation that pre-columbian mexicans are apart of the lost tribes . a preist who came with the spanish said an aztec came up to them and did a pray said in hebrew.

Damn, never heard of that before. Worth looking into.
Jan 9, 2004
HERESY said:
Do the practice what moses taught? Do they trace to one of the tribes? Are they SEMETIC? If the answer to all three questions are no , I'll go ahead and say no.

EVERYONE who can be traced to the tribe of JUDAH is HEBREW. Everyone who is HEBREW can NOT be traced to JUDAH.

What if the person can trace their ancestry back to a tribe, and practiced the teachings of Moses, but chooses to become something of another religion or an agnostic, would they be considered a jew in denial.
Jul 10, 2002
'JUDAH/YEHUDIM. Thsi is where you get the word "JEW". You can be "jewish" if your mother is jewish or through conversion which differs from sect to sect.'
This whole arguement is flawed based on a lack of historical knowledge. First of all, the term JEW refers to Yehuda, one of the 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL. after the reign of King Solomon, the 10 norhtern tribes of ISRAEL split of YEHUDA(is both a GEOGRAPHICAL area and a TRIBE) and Benyamin(the smallest of the tribes). The 10 tribes were conquered in the 8th century BCE and were scattered.

After that there remained a king of Yehuda, a Jewish king as it were( wasn't so simple with evil kings ect, check the book of kings in the TANACH) This was destroyed by the babylonians in the year 586 BCE, after this was the beginning of the diaspora. Though Jews (the tribe of Judah and Benjamin which had moreorless been subsumed into it) returned to the land of Israel around 30 years later under the edict of Cyrus(the persian king of the time, the persians had defeated the babylonian empire) anyway, at this point Jews lived in Babylonia (what is present day Iraq, formally the land of sumer with the city of Ur where our seed of Avraham set to the desert) and Persia (present day Iran). Thoes Jews lived continusly there from that point on 'til the late 1940's when they were essentially chase from their homes by their violent muslim neighbors and moved to Israel.

Today the Mizrahchi (literraly eastern) comprise one half of Israel's Jewish population.
Anyway, the land of Israel and Judah, Judea, whatever, where under various foreign powers with some times of Jewish automny until around 70 CE when the Romans destroyed the second Temple. At this point Jews became further scattered, this time more around the medittereanan. Though it was not in the around 150 CE after the Jewish revold and Bar Kochba revolution that the vase majority of Jews Left Israel (there was a small Jewish presence in Israel through the late 1890'S when the Zionist return to Israle began in earnst. I digress, Jewish communities existed throughout north Africa, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Lebanon, Greece, ect. There were various centers depending on historic realities. From the 3rd to the 10th century the center was in babylon. That faded and was surpassed by spain.

I remind you that at this time there was still significant communities elsewhere, I speak mainly of the focus. In 1492 the Jews were told they could leave spain or convert to Catholicsm. The Jewish communities left and many moved to Turkey or Greece, joining preexisting communities, that is why there is the word SEPHARDIM, Sepahard is Hebrew for Spain. In the middle ages norhtern France and Germanym a region known as ashkenaz became stronger, these Jews, following various expulsions from most places in Germnay, France, and Britain moved East towards Poland and Russia, which didn't truly deveople as strong communities and Jewish centers until the 16th,17TH AND 18TH Centuries. Regardless, there was always communication among the various Jewish communities.

"BTW I don't believe the y chromosome thing. I've encountered it before and I label it as zionist propaganda. Do you recall the thread from like a year ago mig? Dig it up and read it. EVERYONE who can be traced to the tribe of JUDAH is HEBREW. Everyone who is HEBREW can NOT be traced to JUDAH."

I don't know about this Y Chrome biz, I've heard that there is a certain chromosome that Cohenim (the priestly class of Israel,something that is only hereritary. There are many names, COHEN, KAHN, KOHN (just to name Ashkenazi names) that represent this . By the way, the COHENI, and LEVIM (LEVIS) were frp, specific tribes.

Okay, okay, Mesiah comes from Moshiach which means annointed Greek for annointed is Kristos. Kings were annointed during the times of the temple. was Jesus annointed? Not really an issue to me, maybe one of his followers poured some olive oil on his head. The First Christians were Jews.but there are clear traditions 'bout what will happen when the messiah comes (in the Jewish tradition) from biblical texts, specifically in Prophets as well as Oral tradition. The Messianic age may be close but has not happened YET!!!!!!!! You are free to believe what you want to believe.

Now about the oral tradition, (KABBALISTS AND TALMUDISTS). There is a chain of Tradition that exists from the times of the Talmud, back to the time of the Sanhedrin (the high Jewish court comprised of 72 rabbi's that existed in Isrel from the soncruction of the 1st temple under King Solomon, 'til after the destruction of the 1st temple. Though there is certainly a human hand in the oral tradition, but it is from some original source, the Five Books of Moses (Moshe and egytian name given by Pharoah) would make no sense w/o instruction as how to apply the laws, practices and beliefs. Kabbalah, though belittled and popularized by people like madonna and Briney spears is in the ame trarition.

After the birth of the rebirth of Zionism, in the last 19th century there were many different Zionist groups. It was initially thought by several groups that an alternat state could be establishe in order to remove Jews around teh world form the dire situation o f antisemitism in the world. Uganda and Argentina were minority opinions. There is no denying Jewish connection to the land of Israel, thet is narrow minded and pigheaded. Look at a traditional Jewish prayer book. In the Shmona Esrai or Amidah, which observant Jews pray three times a day, there is a prayer about the return to the land of Israel. The Uganda idea was thrown out early in zionist thought as untenable and it comes back to the point thet there is a strong historical/religious/cultural/spiritual connection of the Jews to the land of ISRAEL.

and what about the balfour agreement? A document stating that Jews had the right to settle in the land of Israel?


Apr 25, 2002
Jomodo said:
'JUDAH/YEHUDIM. Thsi is where you get the word "JEW". You can be "jewish" if your mother is jewish or through conversion which differs from sect to sect.'
This whole arguement is flawed based on a lack of historical knowledge. First of all, the term JEW refers to Yehuda, one of the 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL. after the reign of King Solomon, the 10 norhtern tribes of ISRAEL split of YEHUDA(is both a GEOGRAPHICAL area and a TRIBE) and Benyamin(the smallest of the tribes). The 10 tribes were conquered in the 8th century BCE and were scattered.

After that there remained a king of Yehuda, a Jewish king as it were( wasn't so simple with evil kings ect, check the book of kings in the TANACH) This was destroyed by the babylonians in the year 586 BCE, after this was the beginning of the diaspora. Though Jews (the tribe of Judah and Benjamin which had moreorless been subsumed into it) returned to the land of Israel around 30 years later under the edict of Cyrus(the persian king of the time, the persians had defeated the babylonian empire) anyway, at this point Jews lived in Babylonia (what is present day Iraq, formally the land of sumer with the city of Ur where our seed of Avraham set to the desert) and Persia (present day Iran). Thoes Jews lived continusly there from that point on 'til the late 1940's when they were essentially chase from their homes by their violent muslim neighbors and moved to Israel.

Today the Mizrahchi (literraly eastern) comprise one half of Israel's Jewish population.
Anyway, the land of Israel and Judah, Judea, whatever, where under various foreign powers with some times of Jewish automny until around 70 CE when the Romans destroyed the second Temple. At this point Jews became further scattered, this time more around the medittereanan. Though it was not in the around 150 CE after the Jewish revold and Bar Kochba revolution that the vase majority of Jews Left Israel (there was a small Jewish presence in Israel through the late 1890'S when the Zionist return to Israle began in earnst. I digress, Jewish communities existed throughout north Africa, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Lebanon, Greece, ect. There were various centers depending on historic realities. From the 3rd to the 10th century the center was in babylon. That faded and was surpassed by spain.

I remind you that at this time there was still significant communities elsewhere, I speak mainly of the focus. In 1492 the Jews were told they could leave spain or convert to Catholicsm. The Jewish communities left and many moved to Turkey or Greece, joining preexisting communities, that is why there is the word SEPHARDIM, Sepahard is Hebrew for Spain. In the middle ages norhtern France and Germanym a region known as ashkenaz became stronger, these Jews, following various expulsions from most places in Germnay, France, and Britain moved East towards Poland and Russia, which didn't truly deveople as strong communities and Jewish centers until the 16th,17TH AND 18TH Centuries. Regardless, there was always communication among the various Jewish communities.

"BTW I don't believe the y chromosome thing. I've encountered it before and I label it as zionist propaganda. Do you recall the thread from like a year ago mig? Dig it up and read it. EVERYONE who can be traced to the tribe of JUDAH is HEBREW. Everyone who is HEBREW can NOT be traced to JUDAH."

I don't know about this Y Chrome biz, I've heard that there is a certain chromosome that Cohenim (the priestly class of Israel,something that is only hereritary. There are many names, COHEN, KAHN, KOHN (just to name Ashkenazi names) that represent this . By the way, the COHENI, and LEVIM (LEVIS) were frp, specific tribes.

Okay, okay, Mesiah comes from Moshiach which means annointed Greek for annointed is Kristos. Kings were annointed during the times of the temple. was Jesus annointed? Not really an issue to me, maybe one of his followers poured some olive oil on his head. The First Christians were Jews.but there are clear traditions 'bout what will happen when the messiah comes (in the Jewish tradition) from biblical texts, specifically in Prophets as well as Oral tradition. The Messianic age may be close but has not happened YET!!!!!!!! You are free to believe what you want to believe.

Now about the oral tradition, (KABBALISTS AND TALMUDISTS). There is a chain of Tradition that exists from the times of the Talmud, back to the time of the Sanhedrin (the high Jewish court comprised of 72 rabbi's that existed in Isrel from the soncruction of the 1st temple under King Solomon, 'til after the destruction of the 1st temple. Though there is certainly a human hand in the oral tradition, but it is from some original source, the Five Books of Moses (Moshe and egytian name given by Pharoah) would make no sense w/o instruction as how to apply the laws, practices and beliefs. Kabbalah, though belittled and popularized by people like madonna and Briney spears is in the ame trarition.

After the birth of the rebirth of Zionism, in the last 19th century there were many different Zionist groups. It was initially thought by several groups that an alternat state could be establishe in order to remove Jews around teh world form the dire situation o f antisemitism in the world. Uganda and Argentina were minority opinions. There is no denying Jewish connection to the land of Israel, thet is narrow minded and pigheaded. Look at a traditional Jewish prayer book. In the Shmona Esrai or Amidah, which observant Jews pray three times a day, there is a prayer about the return to the land of Israel. The Uganda idea was thrown out early in zionist thought as untenable and it comes back to the point thet there is a strong historical/religious/cultural/spiritual connection of the Jews to the land of ISRAEL.

and what about the balfour agreement? A document stating that Jews had the right to settle in the land of Israel?

I usually don't respond to cut and paste action.


Apr 25, 2002
Ok back to the serious cut and paste action.

Jmodo you said:

This whole arguement is flawed based on a lack of historical knowledge. First of all, the term JEW refers to Yehuda, one of the 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL. First of all I already said that. Here take a look:

"JUDAH/YEHUDIM. This is where you get the word "JEW". You can be "jewish" if your mother is jewish or through conversion which differs from sect to sect."

What I did was give you the english varient and the hebrew PLURAL. Yehudim=PLURAL/people of the tribe/place of Yehuda. I also gave you insight on how one is considered a "jew".

"after the reign of King Solomon, the 10 norhtern tribes of ISRAEL split of YEHUDA(is both a GEOGRAPHICAL area and a TRIBE) and Benyamin(the smallest of the tribes). The 10 tribes were conquered in the 8th century BCE and were scattered. "

I can't understand what you're trying to convey (this could be based on your grammatical errors) but I do know the ten tribes formed EPHRAIM and ruled for apprx 200 years until they were taken captive by the Assyrians to assyria and helah. When the invasion started to happen some of the hebrews RETURNED to Judah and stayed with them while the house of Judah was being subjected to babylonian rule. Maybe the same thing I'm saying is implied below when you said:

"After that there remained a king of Yehuda, a Jewish king as it were( wasn't so simple with evil kings ect, check the book of kings in the TANACH) This was destroyed by the babylonians in the year 586 BCE, after this was the beginning of the diaspora. Though Jews (the tribe of Judah and Benjamin which had moreorless been subsumed into it) returned to the land of Israel around 30 years later under the edict of Cyrus(the persian king of the time, the persians had defeated the babylonian empire) anyway, at this point Jews lived in Babylonia (what is present day Iraq, formally the land of sumer with the city of Ur where our seed of Avraham set to the desert) and Persia (present day Iran). "

For right now I'll leave this alone. because I think we're on the same page concerning this matter. :devious: BTW from that time on they were labeld JEWS.

"Today the Mizrahchi (literraly eastern) comprise one half of Israel's Jewish population.
Anyway, the land of Israel and Judah, Judea, whatever, where under various foreign powers with some times of Jewish automny until around 70 CE when the Romans destroyed the second Temple. At this point Jews became further scattered, this time more around the medittereanan. Though it was not in the around 150 CE after the Jewish revold and Bar Kochba revolution that the vase majority of Jews Left Israel (there was a small Jewish presence in Israel through the late 1890'S when the Zionist return to Israle began in earnst. I digress, Jewish communities existed throughout north Africa, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Lebanon, Greece, ect. There were various centers depending on historic realities. From the 3rd to the 10th century the center was in babylon. That faded and was surpassed by spain."

Quick question. Were these "jewish communites" from HEBREW/SEMETIC people or were they CONVERTED?

"I remind you that at this time there was still significant communities elsewhere, I speak mainly of the focus. In 1492 the Jews were told they could leave spain or convert to Catholicsm. The Jewish communities left and many moved to Turkey or Greece, joining preexisting communities, that is why there is the word SEPHARDIM, Sepahard is Hebrew for Spain."

These "jews" who were told they could leave or convert were HEBREW or people who converted to "judaism"? BTW sepahard is NOT hebrew for "spain". The word can be found in the old testament before "jews" even knew spain existed. It did come to mean people of spain or used for "jews" who lived in spaid but the words true meaning does NOT mean spain and is used more or less as an adverb.

"In the middle ages norhtern France and Germanym a region known as ashkenaz became stronger, these Jews, following various expulsions from most places in Germnay, France, and Britain moved East towards Poland and Russia, which didn't truly deveople as strong communities and Jewish centers until the 16th,17TH AND 18TH Centuries. Regardless, there was always communication among the various Jewish communities. "

Once again these "jews" and "jewish communities" were SEMETIC? You just mentioned something interesting. You mentioned ashkenaz, germany and russia. From this point forward it's plain to see where you stand. If you're implying that HEBREW'S are EUROPEAN LOL! Please tell me you don't believe the celt's saxons, angles and russians are HEBREW. But look let's get back to what you mentioned which is ashkenaz, germany and russia. Ashkenaz is found in the old testament and is listed as a son of GOMER. Gomer is listed as a son of JAPHETH which is the son of NOAH (GEN 10). *IF* THE PEOPLE OF ASHKENAZ ARE "HEBREW" OR SEMETIC WHY DO THEY NOT TRACE TO *SHEM*? The eastern "jews" (which come from russia and poland) come from the KHAZERS who CONVERTED to judaism around 730-740 ad. Study the old testament and the son's of noah and compare their names to places on maps (which is where they setteled). Pay attention to GOMER and it's relation to germany.

"I don't know about this Y Chrome biz, I've heard that there is a certain chromosome that Cohenim (the priestly class of Israel,something that is only hereritary. There are many names, COHEN, KAHN, KOHN (just to name Ashkenazi names) that represent this . By the way, the COHENI, and LEVIM (LEVIS) were frp, specific tribes."

The levi-cohen connection has never been listed as specific tribes (plural) but ONE tribe.

"Okay, okay, Mesiah comes from Moshiach which means annointed Greek for annointed is Kristos. Kings were annointed during the times of the temple. was Jesus annointed? Not really an issue to me, maybe one of his followers poured some olive oil on his head. The First Christians were Jews.but there are clear traditions 'bout what will happen when the messiah comes (in the Jewish tradition) from biblical texts, specifically in Prophets as well as Oral tradition. The Messianic age may be close but has not happened YET!!!!!!!! You are free to believe what you want to believe."

For some reason I get the feeling you asked someone else about the subject matter at hand (via email) and they answered the questions for you. I don't believe what you typed is YOUR opinion. and is derived from your own research.

You asked was jesus anointed, you claim it isn't an issue, you state that the messianic age has not happened but proceed to tell me I'm free to believe what I want....Insanity at it's finest hour....Jews wait for Melech HaMoshiach and deny Yeshua because he did not liberate them from roman rule.....because they need no mediator.....because they were persecuted in the name of jesus? Or because he QUESTIONED the authority of the RULING class of JEWS who still have an influence til this day?

I have two questions I would like for you to answer. Why was the house of israel scattered? Who is the stone builders reject?

I'll answer the rest of your reply at a later date.......

Jul 10, 2002
This is no cut and paste, it is synopsis of a conversation I had with my fam. whos been living & studying in Jerusalem...