Esham's NEW Music Video REVIEW (Tech N9ne related)

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Sep 16, 2002
I was at ESHAM's music video shoot here in Southern California (Los angeles to be exact)for his new music video that is planned to hit BET,MTV,etc. very soon and I gotta say that it was cool as fuck chillin with the other juggalos and suicidalists!!!
First off, much love to Clown E Love for hookin it up with the info!
here's what went down:

-I arrive @ the parking lot and to my shock, I see alot of my fellow juggalos there DRESSED in JUGALO GEAR!! see, the directions to be in this video was to NOT DRESS like a juggalo because the music video was gonna have a club scene!! I thought I was cool with what I wore which was a pimp-ass black chinese outfit, but Rudeboy said that I couldn't be TOO dressed up like that, so I was kinda pissed about that, but it was all good cause I brought my tan Enyce button up short sleeve as a back--up plan.

-the juggalos that were not fully informed about the shoot that wore juggalo gear were all pissed and some even blamed Rudeboy!!! LOL, this one juggalette that was wearing an ESHAM rag was all cussing at him,saying shit to him about how ICP always fucks the fans over or some crap and Rudeboy was yelling back saying shit like:"Bitch!! you know how much we spend on them sets and all the effort into giving you motherfuckers a good show???" it was just some mad ass drama with that girl and another juggalo cussing at Rudeboy because Rudeboy picked out the Juggalos that DID listen and dressed up all tight.

-The thing I thought was retarded was when my homegirl Jeanette and homie Bugley came back from the car, some juggalos were all mad doggin and hatin' on them just cause they got picked and were sayin shit like:"Fuck you fake-ass Juggalos!!" and some in a van was chanting "REAL FAMILY" and Juggalos that were still in the lot was like:"Fuck you!!! if you was a real homie, you motherfuckers wouldn't go and leave us like this!!" LOL, damn it was like a fuckin Juggalo civil war!!! But shit, we gave no fuck and did our damn thing!!

-So we all got in,chilled in this big-ass bricked warehouse that look like the old RAW openings,(you know the one with Ahmed Johnson kicking the flaming barrels down!!)anyways, the video crew wore the bomb-ass dark green Esham "REpentance" shirts!!! so some of the juggalos were kissing their asses to get one!! lmao.

-the only thing that really sucked about the whole time was waiting and doing NOTHING here and there,waiting to be in different shots and shit.
There were also some nonj juggalo and suicidalists as extras asswell, some fine-ass bitches!!!

-The club set was tight ass hell, but the thing I hated was that Esham was wearing a BULLET PROOF vest on stage!! I was thinking, damn, now the mainstream fans will think he;s just a wannabe 50 cent!!! The song was off the hook!! that shits BUMPS!!! They got these hot-ass females that were feelin' on each other on the stairs and shit!! lol

-Porn Star JASMIN ST. Claire and her boyfriend ECW's BLUE MEANIE showed up!!!!! Jasmine was in a close up scene freakin it with a lucky juggasidalist!!! LOl, sorry,but whiteboy had no rhythm!! Dude, Meanie kinda got fatter!! it was all good, I got my picture taken with them!!

-Oh yeah, and FRED WILLIAMSON (I think that's his name, but I know his first name was FRED) he was the big black dude that was in "From Dusk Till Dawn" that turned into a vampire.He was all dressed all pimped out in a suit and shit filming a club scene in which he takes Esham's spanish lady !!!!

-Then it was lunctime!! damn, the catering was the bomb!!! spaghetti,bread,BBQ chicken,etc!!! I must also add that Esham gained weight aswell from the last time I saw him.He's looking more and more like a wicket Ice Cube.

-During the lunchbreak, the director was so cool with me cause I'm crazy like that with my half and half cornows with spiked tips!!! so he put me in a close-up background scene in the club in which I order a Guiness from the bartender while sitting next to Esham's music video woman!! the director also put me in ESHAM's POOL team scene!! It was me, teamed with Esham,(we had a girl holding the cash on the side) against TNT and some other dude with their girl on the side!! lmao, this one Belizian dude that was a juggalo extra had a blunt rolled up so I told Esham that he had one and said that they should smoke it !! so the dude pulled it out and the director let all of us do a little puff puff give!!!

-The night scene was bomb as fuck because there was a dodge viper that WILLIS!! yes, WILLIS from DIFFERENT STROKES was using to roll up on the music video!!! and guess who else rolled up in a fly car in the video??? agent HI-TOWER from Police Academy movies, BUBBA SMITH is in the music video aswell!!!!!man, they were both cool as fuck, I was messin with Willis by shouting "Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis!!???" and he laughed while some girl was like:"He gone' beat yo ass!!"

-Oh, and TNT was up in that bitch too!! I chilled with him and Esham during the breaks and I asked if they were still cool with Mastamind and they said "Hell yeah!". They signed my DOUBELIEVEINGOD flier!!! I'm also in the background during the car scenes too.

-hehe, I wore my FTI(Fuck The Industry) shirt underneath and showed it while Rudeboy was filming behind the scenes shit!!!

well, that's all I can remember about the video shoot, all you other Juggalos and suicidalists will like it even though it sounds kinda commercial!!! it BUMPS!!!

-Glen Carambas aka: "JuggalOutkAxt"

hit up the WICKED WONKA TOUR!!!!

one LAST thing, at the parking lot, I was wearing my FTI shirt under my chinese top and the juggalos showed some love except for ONE, he was like:"Dude, fuck Tech N9ne!! he sucks!! I saw his ass 2 years ago!! he sucks!!" after I asked if he was going to the Wicked Wonka Tour, lol,just a prime example of one dumb-ass Juggasheep that actually thinks ICP has way better rap skills than Tech!! lmao
Aug 26, 2002

is this post at all relevant???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????//

i hate zugahoes.....

Apr 26, 2002
Rude Boyz a bitch...

I remember seein Esham in Wichita and that fat fucker (Rude Boy) tried givin me a hard time like he was king shit...

I gotta meet Esham in Lawrence (Tattoo The Earth tour) and he was cool azz fuck (took picz, signed autographz & smoked out with the fanz).......Overcore wasn't all up on his nutz with the security an shit like psychopathic.......point bein, fuck that fat fucker they call Rude Boy...
May 3, 2002
Gold Deez said:
Rude Boyz a bitch...

I remember seein Esham in Wichita and that fat fucker (Rude Boy) tried givin me a hard time like he was king shit...

I gotta meet Esham in Lawrence (Tattoo The Earth tour) and he was cool azz fuck (took picz, signed autographz & smoked out with the fanz).......Overcore wasn't all up on his nutz with the security an shit like psychopathic.......point bein, fuck that fat fucker they call Rude Boy...
U sure it was Rude Boy? Alex Abiss Psy.'s manager is like that.. and he's fat.
Apr 26, 2002
yeah it was him cause this chick I was talkin to at the show was standin next to me and she went up and asked him if he was Rude Boy. She was prob. 17 or should of seen this shit over half of the people came to see Blaze. She was clownin Esham and sayin Blaze was better.......but then again what do you expect psychopathic goez and throwz Esham on stage before Blaze...
May 3, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:

What was the name of the song and was it just an Esham solo?
"Woo Woo Woo" is the song ive heard.. dont know if its an esham solo, but i think it is.. havent heard it yet..