Definately A Top Recommendation For This Year Folks. Tracks 1, 10, 11, 12, theres more too, LOL Equipt with Nick Peace Beats, DE beats, Pause Scratches, Nickatina & Quinn Appearences. Support Your Locals Folks, This ones a CLASSIC, peace.
i'm just listening to this shit for the first time. it sounds different from equipto's previous 3 releases, but this shit is KNOCKIN. if you're feelin equipto, then i think you'll like this shit...i'll give a decent reveiw when this shit sinks in.
yeah,i agree,quipto is an automatic buy no matter what...i like that DE and grouch up on there did equipto hook up with the grouch?....i have bored stiff-timeless,its the only one i ever found,cant track down the others...
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