Human nature is based on greed.
I completely disagree.
Marx explained that "conditions determine consciousness". In other words, our environment determines our mentality.
You have to remember that humans got where we are today not by crushing and killing each other, it's more about communication and working together. Only by cooperation have we been able to hunt successfully, build shelters/cities, and advance.
Under capitalism, the ruling class does everything they can to affect the way we think. Through media, education, religion, etc. we are raised with values of a capitalist system, which is that 'dog eat dog', 'every man for himself' mentality. This isn't human nature; this is something we have been conditioned to think.
This kind of mentality doesn't benefit the common man...only the very rich. It's amazing how some people think this is fair, we produce the wealth socially, but the profit goes into private hands.
I believe this mentality would slowly go away under a truly communist society. Since conditions determine consciousness, new generations would see the world entirely different. Think about when babies are born. They do not know about race, violence, sexual harassment, being materialistic etc. they only learn these things later when they are pointed out.
You have to remember that Human nature, like all things, in a constant state of change.
You also have to remember that under communism, the incentive is different. The incentive to come up with more efficient ways to do things is that we'd have to work less time to do the same amount of work, which means, more free time, vacation, more time for research etc. "The amount of NECESSARY labor needed to produce the things we NEED"
Why work more efficiently at work if you know you have to be there for 8 hours no matter what? I know I don't.
One other thing I’d like to point out is the millions and millions of people worldwide who donated money to the Tsunami victims. Where is the greed in that?