Then end game is upon us, the two year campaign is over.
One guy's gonna win, the other isn't.
Remember, there's 538 votes to be had, about 470 of them already are, it's the 68 that cause grown men to toss and turn at night.
Remember the Colorado thing could pass and split the electoral count there (remember to account for that if you think it'll pass)
Let's do it, give your electoral vote total...
Just to shake it up a bit from the average predictions i'll go with:
Kerry = 253
Bush = 285
For this prediction between Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota Bush is going to win at least one of us. I'm gunna go with him winning Iowa, but it could just as easily be Wisconsin or Minnesota that goes for him making the lead even bigger.
Bush gets Florida cuz his bro and the cubans will take it for him.
The Colorado thing passes and Kerry gets 5, Bush 4.
Kerry will win Pennsylvania, but not Ohio.
Kerry takes Michigan but not Nevada or New Mexico.
Kerry wins 253:
Colorado 5
California 55
Connecticut 7
Delaware 3
D.C. 3
Hawaii 4
Illinois 21
Maine 4
Maryland 10
Massachusetts 12
Michigan 17
Minnesota 10
New Jersey 15
New York 31
Oregon 7
Pennsylvania 21
Rhode Island 4
Vermont 3
Washington 11
Wisconsin 10
Bush wins:
Colorado 4
Alabama 9
Alaska 3
Arizona 10
Arkansas 6
Florida 27
Georgia 15
Idaho 4
Indiana 11
Iowa 7
Kansas 6
Kentucky 8
Louisiana 9
Mississippi 6
Missouri 11
Montana 3
Nebraska 5
New Hampshire 4
New Mexico 5
Nevada 5
North Carolina 15
North Dakota 3
Ohio 20
Oklahoma 7
South Carolina 8
South Dakota 3
Tennessee 11
Texas 34
Utah 5
Virginia 13
West Virginia 5
Wyoming 3
I doubt this will be right on, but i'm interested to see who will be closest out of all of us to getting it right.
You heard it here first.... :lick: