Nitro GH said:
For real scottie, they think shooting guards are supposed to average 9 rebounds a game, not to mention over 6 assists, fuck there record, without kobe they wouldnt have won a game. And everything you said about arod winning the MVP in the AL means shit, now your hear saying its all about the record, Mr. Contradictor right here. Admit you just made this thread to get something out of the laker fans.
I guess I gotta set this mark str8 again!!! U cant compare baseball to hoop... In baseball its harder for one guy to lead u to wins or losses, because there are so many aspects of the game...pitchin, closers, and 9 individual batters... So one man cant reallly be expected to carry a team like basketball...(MJ example or Shag for that matter)!! Now A-Rod had outrageous stats for a SS let alone any position player and everyone even u says he is the best player in the american league! So thats why he is the real MVP!!!
Now on to Ko-Me, Basketball is a completely different matter in all.. Ko-me is a selfich player, and all he does is play for stats, and his team loses to teams like Cleveland etc... He worry;s about triple double and shit!! That team compared to the T. rangers is a 3 time champion so regardless if Shag goes down, they are still supposed to be good atleast .500. Also even if u wanna bring solely on stats, there are other players that also have tight stats, and have been more valuable and more of a leader than Ko-Me, so he is not worthy of this award!! Shit A-Rod hit way over .300, while Ko-Me is shootin boo boo!! Unlike A-Rod, Ko-Me is not the best player innthe league, shit he aint even the best player on his team so what the fuck u mean??
So peep my shit and no sir I never contradict myself, if u know the games each sport is diff. and If u try to not be biased and look at the big picture u would see who is the best player and MVP!!! GOT EM!!!!